Danny, or anyone else who knows, I have yet been able to figure out how to use the bold, italic, underline, URL, etc. buttons at the top of the page when you post. I am a Mac user running Safari in OS X 10.28. Jeff
Choose the button you want to use and type in the text between them. It will look like this: text That will get you bold. Alternately, I think you can highlight the text and select the button. That should open and close the BBCode.
And once you get used to the various codes for bold, underline, etc, you can just type them in by hand without using the buttons. Bookrats (Jeff) is the king of using the List BBCode, so if he has anything to add I'm sure it will be useful. eg239, I never knew about the highlight/select alternative. Thanks for pointing that out!
The buttons don't seem to do anything; I have a suspicion that they are connected to Javascript and are a waste of space if you don't have scripting (in which case why aren't they written by script so the rest of us don't have to see them?). However, you should see a paragraph headed "Options" which contains a link to BBCode. Bring this link up somewhere (or print it out for reference). One thing that's not there is the list of available smileys. Some are obvious: ;) = :) = :( = some less so, but can be picked up by quoting messages that contain them. :lol: = :lol: Anyone have the full list? (Later: I worked it out: follow the link to "View more Emoticons" and look at the URLs of the links)