Hey fellas. I'm curious to see what the Toyota crowd feels about General Motors. Should it be saved? Do they deserve to be saved? Let me know what you guys are thinking, any and all input welcome. Thanks again
:lol: :lol: Met with my stock broker today. She said GM was not to be invested in, it is essentially dead, far as investors were concerned. We discussed Ford too. Some hope for Ford's survival since their CEO is now allowed to push for green vehicle design. But Ford is behind the curve and will always be playing catch-up. America might have to give up being the big player in the market.
Should it be saved or can it be saved or can it save itself? Depends on your point of view I guess. I don't want to see GM fail but much of what happens to them is their own doing. Their problems are endemic and my belief that they can survive, let alone thrive, doesn't get much reinforcement from them. I hope that they get their act together and turn their ship around before it goes over the falls.
Though they "may" be currently putting out some good quality cars, the reputation already established will haunt them for years to come...unless their demise comes sooner. I say "may" only because I've not driven a GM product lately, but have read reveiws and respect Malorn's opinion on this particular subject.
Actually, I'm watching them like a hawk. I'm really hoping to buy a bunch of really low GM stock and watching it jump up a bit before it's bought or spun off. You only have to look at their 10-year history to see that they've gone way up and way down multiple times in the past. And everyone can think back to the late 70s with the gas shortage and remmeber how the Japanese automakers were kicking GM's butt. But they bounced back.
Yes I think GM should save themselves, and I think they can if they are willing to get really smart, really fast. Tony is right, keep an eye on the stock. It might end up being the bargain of the decade, or of the year anyway.
OK, I'll throw out my prediction: GM begins to show signs of stabilizing, and the stock improves nicely. Malorn throws out 9 or 10 threads of "I told you so". Then the next serious bump in petrol prices develops, enough to scare away the SUV crowd for a year or two. During that time period, GM crashes, and declares BK. That is the optimistic scenario. There is NO value in GM (just look at their assets/debts). Buying GM stock is an adventure in speculative market timing.
Aside from the 1951 Frigidaire (which was a division of General Motors) refrigerator that my parents owned until last year, my father, wife and I have never owned a GM product. This does NOT mean we want them to go under.
Am I an objective analyst, of course not, but I hav been around GM(and DCX and Ford) for all of my life and I have honestly never seen any of the big three with as much urgency and zest as GM has right now. The majority of products GM is coming out with right now trump anything Toyota offers, especially on a price-benefit level. GM and Ford especially have to find a way out of the media hole they are in right now but in GM's case it is beginning to happen. The recent buzz about E85 is a good example, they found a way to leave Toyota flat-footed. A recent article by USA Today's Jim Healy says it all, and he always is bashing GM products. Sell your google stock and buy GM stock, you will thank me in three years. http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/review...6-lucerne_x.htm
What is she recommending? Google? Was she recommending internet stocks in early 2001? Do not listen to anyone who is saying GM is close to going BK. I promise. http://www.forbes.com/columnists/global/2006/0213/023A.html
Funny thing is, I was thinking of trading in the old minivan, after reading that article, might go with the Avalon!