Bought a few Priusususus for my kids. Got a pair of Habanero model C, option 4. Both kids are graduating college next June and deserve a nice econ car. My first Toyota, my first hybrid, my first new car in 29 years. Kids are graduating with zero debt, 3.3GPA or better, and marketable skills. My daughter was driving home from her intern job and I texted her. She was surprised that her bluetooth paired phone lowered the volume of the radio and asked her if she would like to have her text read. "of course!" We had to look carefully to find the Habanero, the dealers just had black, gray, silver, white, blah, blah. I wanted the summer rain, but they like the orange.
Thanks, both on scholarship, one in Chem Eng, the other in combined Business and music. They serious deserve a car each, saved me ~ half a mil on tuition, fees, books, trans, food, shelter, phone, dates, etc.
I always say Pree for Prii. But I could be completely incorrect here. EDIT: Just watched the video. Of course I've been pronouncing it incorrectly!