need a link or the process to marry keys, the key guy i hired is lacking knowledge but is the only one in my area that does it.. were talking about the red light by the radio.. Thanks
There are a few questions to take in order... (1) do you have a working key at all, and (2) if you do, is it registered to the car as a master or a sub key? If you have at least one working master, it'll be easy to register a new key. If you don't have any working key, or only a sub key, you'll have more of a project. This post will tell you how to tell a master from a sub key, and where to find the programming instructions. Hope this helps, -Chap
well have no keys at all so the key guy has already wiped the computer to accept new keys, and is curious about the red light, does it blink or stay solid when ready to marry
Recommend you get ahold of PC member "ovni" and pmail him. He is an expert on all things keys (he's also ex military ).
well the dealer is up $850 so but my key guy can do it for $450 so we'll see if not off to the dealer, just wondering if there was any info out there on this. thanks
Hmm, I think you could buy a new immobilizer ECU, some keys, AND the service manuals for that price. -Chap