Prius v 5 ATP tech interface with... ?

Discussion in 'Prius v Audio and Electronics' started by rhanson739, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. rhanson739

    rhanson739 is loving the new Prihicle

    Jun 8, 2008
    Eastern N.C.
    2008 Prius

    I'll start by saying that I've just committed to a new black Prius v 5 w/ATP, moving up from my 2008 Prius. Quite excited. I'll also add that I'm deliberately in the dark about devices such as iPad and iPhone. While I'm a Mac guy and can make Photoshop dance on my iMac 27", I know next to nothing about iOS.

    So, my understanding is that the Prius v 5 interfaces with "smart" devices such as the iPhone. Great. But, what about an iPad?

    I was about to buy an iPad yesterday when we stopped at the Toyota dealership and walked away with so much more... :) ...

    Now I'm wondering: If I get an iPad with both WiFi and Cellular, can the iPad interface with the tech in the Prius, or is it for smartphone only?

    Any tips, recommendations, or advice in this?

  2. MarathonMarty

    MarathonMarty Prii 4-timer

    Jun 19, 2009
    Spokane, WA
    2013 Prius v wagon
    iPad works great with Entunes but you can only connect via bluetooth. usb will not work for connection. At least in the AT package it won't. I use it all the time on trips, especially Pandora and BING with speech commands. Occasionally use the Apple maps app in conjunction with the cars nav for checking accuracy. Both nav systems work great. Read the nav manual thoroughly. The ATP does an awesome amount of stuff but you've got to read up on how to use it all correctly. Have fun!
    rhanson739 likes this.
  3. rhanson739

    rhanson739 is loving the new Prihicle

    Jun 8, 2008
    Eastern N.C.
    2008 Prius
    Thanks, MarathonMarty -- That was very helpful.
  4. rdgrimes

    rdgrimes Senior Member

    Jun 7, 2013
    New Mexico, USA
    2018 Prius Prime
    I'd assume that any pad which supports outputting audio by Bluetooth should be able to interface with the system. I don't think the OS of the pad should matter, just the type of Bluetooth support. Interfacing via the Entune system would be a different thing, using the apps installed on the pad which support the various Entune apps. Basically, Entune is just another set of apps for your phone or pad. Its also using your pad's wireless data link as opposed to just playing files off the pad.

    Confused yet?
    So basically, you use the Toyota the same as you would use a Bluetooth speaker, playing your music on the pad and outputting the audio via Bluetooth. You can register up to 5 Bluetooth devices on the Prius.
  5. rhanson739

    rhanson739 is loving the new Prihicle

    Jun 8, 2008
    Eastern N.C.
    2008 Prius
    Looks like I may need to clear up some of my confusion... Bearing in mind that I haven't had much of a chance to pore over the manual, and that my first iOS 6 iPad was purchased only yesterday:

    When I registered for Entune, the site suggested that I needed a smart phone to enable apps, and I didn't see anything that suggests that an iPad is supported.

    The new Prius (2013 v w/ATP) "sees" the iPad via Bluetooth, but if I, say, play Music, the sound doesn't come through the car speakers, but out of the iPad.

    If I hook up the iPad via the USB cable, no problem; I can play Music through the car speakers just fine after selecting the correct setting on the Nav's Audio.

    Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, need to read the manual more, or if the iPad is truly not supported via BT.

    Thanks for any insights!
  6. rdgrimes

    rdgrimes Senior Member

    Jun 7, 2013
    New Mexico, USA
    2018 Prius Prime
    The system is designed to support USB connection to iOS devices, the manual covers a lot of that. Entune apps are a different matter, since those are written specifically for Android or iOS as the case may be. Consult Entune for details on their apps.

    Frankly, Entune is a waste of time and also costs you money in the form of apps and cell phone data links. The pad itself can do so much more. As for sending audio from the pad to the system, I'm sure its possible but you'll have to find a way to tell the pad its OK to link by Bluetooth. On my Android, I had to give the Prius permission to link to the phone AND to link to audio, and tell it to do that every time it connects. On the Prius screen you'll see a flag pop up every time you turn the system on which says "connected to phone" and/or "connected to audio". Poke around in the pad and find the screens on its Bluetooth, you should see the Prius and have options for what to allow on the link. Otherwise look for messages on the pad when it connects to the car.

    Judge for yourself whether you get better audio quality from the USB connection or Bluetooth. I'd expect USB to sound a bit better. But obviously Bluetooth is more convenient.

    I just load all my tunes on a thumbdrive and leave it plugged into the Prius. There's hundreds of CDs on there, so it'll be a few years before I run out of tunes to listen to. XM also offers a decent depth of content to choose from, and that's free for 3 years.

    The problem with the Prius system is there are too many choices. Just keep in mind that USB to pad, USB storage devices, Bluetooth audio and Entune apps are all separate and different things.
  7. rhanson739

    rhanson739 is loving the new Prihicle

    Jun 8, 2008
    Eastern N.C.
    2008 Prius
    Once again, you've been a great help, rdgrimes. I appreciate it.

    For years, I've successfully done without a 'smart'phone or iOS device. I think I'm the last of my kind. We really only bought the pad so that we could do a few things while traveling, such as search ahead for hotel and dinner reservations. Given that the pad supports cellular (and given that I still don't have an iOS phone), we should be good to go with that. And plugging the pad into USB isn't that big of an issue for us, and is quite easy to do. (Just got off a short drive... it worked well.)

    I guess I was looking forward to cool tech, such as "Siri... book us at the restaurant," but given that I'm a bit of a Luddite in mobile comms, I'm good with the basics.

    Frankly, we love traveling with paper atlases, and rather than watch movies, we look out the window. Imagine that... :)

  8. Chazz8

    Chazz8 Gadget Lover

    Sep 19, 2008
    Central New York
    2012 Prius v wagon
    I use my Ipad via BlueTooth only on my Prius v w/ Adv. Tech. Pkg. and I get all my music, podcasts, and even game audio when my daughter grabs the BT connected Ipad. I have yet to plug the Ipad in via USB. You can always go into Setup -> Bluetooth and poke around to see what profiles (audio, data) are available on you device connected via bluetooth.

    Over the last year, I have had two occassions when my Ipad did not want to work with the vehicle and I had to reboot everything and it just started working again. My PC needs a reboot two times a week, so I have been very happy with the stability of my Ipad to Prius v BT connetion.