I bought a new 2009 Prius in December 2008. The key fobs have started giving me trouble, sometimes the doors won't open when I try (keyless entry), sometimes the car won't start unless I insert the fob in the slot, sometimes the push button locking of the doors, after I get out of the car does not work. It's very random, but now, more often these things will not work, the times they do are the exceptions. Also, sometimes locking or unlock the car, pushing the buttons on the fob, does nothing. What is the most likely problem and what are my options for resolving this? Would this be covered under the regular warranty or the Toyota Extended Warranty I got from Troy Dietrich, through this website?
have you used the other fob to see if it does the same thing? It could be covered under the extended warranty if you have it.
The other fob acted up first, then I switched and now this one is acting up. All this over months or even the last year or two. No, I have not changed the battery. How can I do that? Are there instructions on this site somewhere? Thanks!
Look at the small red LED on the fob. It should flash when you push the buttons. If it does not, then time to replace battery. Instructions on PC and on youtube.
It must be the HV battery guarantee that allows people to be sooooo surprised/stunned/horrfied/confused/amazed when all the other batteries don't last 10 years/100,000miles! It's been well documented here at PC that the 12v battery needs to be replaced every four years, like any other 12v car battery, but here's the real burning question: if you bring a common flashlight or a cell phone in to the Prius, shouldn't those batteries magically last as long as the HV battery, too?
nh70, thanks I found a how to video on You Tube. I could not find instructions here. One reason I hadn't thought of the battery in the fob was that I was worried it was an item that had to be done by the dealer. I see from reading some comments at the You Tube video this is not the case. Although a few, less-than-honest dealers have tried to convince people they had to have it done at the dealership. Also, since there is a metal contact when you put the fob in the slot, I thought that perhaps, just maybe, that might serve to recharge the battery, in some fashion.
FWIW, the instructions on how to change the battery in the key fob's can be found in the owner's manual for your Prius. Ron
It hasn't been mentioned yet in this string, but a weak 12 volt auxiliary battery can also cause the keyfob's to act up. You can test the battery yourself very easily. Weird stuff happening? MPGs dropping? Test The Battery | PriusChat If your 12 volt is original in your 09 Prius, it would not surprise me one bit if it is getting weak. Change the keyfob batteries first. If you continue to have problems, I would then focus on the 12 volt. There is a link in my signature that details how to change the 12 volt. (Post #8) It is a DIY job IF you are mechanically inclined. Good luck to you. Ron
Thanks to all who contributed. I changed the battery in both key fobs and it is working much better. dorunron - I had the 12v aux battery changed last year. It died while I was driving, towed to Toyota and that was the reason, so I had them change it.