Yet another battery to worry about! In the last month I've had the yellow key icon come up on the dash along with a buzzer when I've gotten back into the car after opening or closing the garage door (it's a Mexican door - Manual ). So today I thought I'd check the FOB battery. Easy enough if you have the tiny Phillips screwdriver tip. Release and remove the embedded key. Press the release again and slide off the FOB back. Remove the four screws and carefully pop off the cover. Bump the FOB while holding it upside down and the battery should fall out. Checked the battery with a meter - it showed 2.8V. My experience with these batteries is they stay at 3+ V until it's time to replace them, so off to the drugstore to get a new one. The new one measured 3.2V, so my above experience appears to be correct. I'll let you know in a week or two if I still get the warning light on the dash. Oh, and the new battery came in a "two pack". So I have a replacement for the spare FOB.
I ended up drilling (carefully) out one of my screws. I found you can leave the screws off and with the covers that hold in the battery all is ok.
i did my daughters 04. it was a bit of work as some corrosion had set in. my wife's hycam fob has no screws, just a slot on the bottom edge. slip in a wide blade screwdriver and give it a twist. sweet!
Well, no more key warning. So if you get it when you get out and back in that's a good indication it's time to replace the FOB battery (if you have SKS).
I should probably replace my fob batteries as a prophylactic measure. Does the Gen II fob use a CR2032 battery? Tom
My "panic button" jumped off place and I cannot stick it back on the FOB. I kept trying but I don't understand how it is supposed to stay there. Any experience? I guess the ultimate solution would be a small glue drop. Thanks!
Your better off leaving the panic button off. Stuck panic button is the second biggest problem I see when fixing smart keys.