Arbitration With Toyota (2010 Prius V, problems with breaks/acceleration))

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by kaie, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Eclipse1701d

    Eclipse1701d Prius Enthusiast

    May 12, 2011
    Nature coast, Florida
    2016 Prius
    Three Touring
    FYI - I have read about PCS systems that interpret a change in the roadway as an object. For example, you are driving down the highway and a hole is covered with a steel plate. The PCS can interpret this plate, erroneously, as an object and engage. Or, the sensor is off center and interprets and object to your left or right as in front of you. If your PCS engages erroneously, the system should be checked.

    Unfortunately, I have found that unless you educate yourself, extensively, you can no longer rely on your Service Manager or Service Technician to delve into a problem. People no longer go the extra mile. Unless you can produce, when needed, and educated counter-point, they just want to move on to the next customer.

    Our culture has changed... People are seeing the cost of living rise at a much faster pace than income. This negativity breeds contempt, jealousy, animosity and sheer disengagement. Go to work, do what I have to, go home.

    You can no longer rely on people to go the extra mile. You HAVE TO depend on yourself.

    Many forum members have expressed and experienced dealing with people who screw with them, make nasty comments, tailgate, prevent passing, just because they own a Prius. It is also important to note that active members have seen many posts bashing the Prius by members who have never posted before. These posts can be construed as disingenuine. Don't take it personally, but your post can come across that way because most members would have asked for help BEFORE they were ready for arbitration...

    In any case, turn off your PCS until it is checked for proper calibration. As far as braking, it is most likely your brain playing a trick on you when it switches from regenerative to friction brakes....
  2. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You are really in a tough spot with the situation as you present it.

    If you happen to have a "Ghost in Your Machine"? A intermittent glitch in the PCS system, then that is a Ghost that might be very difficult to get to manifest on demand. It's also a ghost that Toyota may not want to find. If they admit it has happened within your system, then I'd imagine it opens them up for potential liability for all similar Prius.

    I don't know what to suggest for immediate transportation. BUT if I really felt a vehicle was dangerous to drive I would not drive that vehicle.

    In the meantime, you really don't have anything to lose by going through arbitration. At worst, you'll be right where you are today, with Toyota telling you your vehicle is fine.

    You have few problems here, mostly trying to prove the symptoms. It's basically you and your mothers word as to the driving experience you have had...vs. Toyota and The Prius computer system.

    I'm NOT going to tell you it's all normal. Even if it is possible the symptoms you report do fall within normal operating parameters.

    Because it is possible you have a glitch or ghost in your machine.

    There have been many reports of the "acceleration" feel in braking with the 2010's before and after the software update. The general consensus is that if braking on a slick surface or hitting a manhole cover the Prius Braking system can react in a manner that provides an adrenaline producing sensation.

    I have yet to experience this with my 2013...but enough reports of this happening exist for me to believe it is something that can occasionally happen with the Prius brakes.

    Your other symptom? Sure sounds like your PCS system activating. But my understanding is even with the PCS system, even if it activates, it should only slow your vehicle not actually be capable of bringing it to a stop on it's own.

    In anycase, I don't have a good answer for your situation. If you are unhappy, I would try arbitration. It may not go your way, but you have little to lose but the time.
  3. 32kcolors

    32kcolors Senior Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Redondo Beach, CA
    2010 Prius
    This is an old thread recently revived by someone in the same situation, but let's not go there. People tried way too hard to prove ghost in the machine during the unintended acceleration fiasco and they ended up looking silly. OP was obviously either exaggerating or misled about various things like the car actually coming to a complete stop.

    I bet all of them are just a one time situation in response to an actual object that caused the adaptive cruise control/PCS to trigger and these people simply freaked out. Much more rare would be an actual malfunctioning PCS but that'll be more obvious, reproducible and not just a one time thing.
  4. ssinner2466

    ssinner2466 New Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    2013 Prius v wagon
    Thanks for your response 32kcolors.

    Yesterday was EXTREMELY windy. My husband thought flying debris could have set off the PCS but I found it hard to believe it would be THAT sensitive. Toyota explained where the sensor was located and that it might have interpreted the oncoming wall as a hazard. I hope not since it was quite a distance away. This is my 3rd Prius so I'm not to the way the Prius functions. I fell in love with Prius V-5. Toyota has an exceptional reputation and I just hated the thought of driving an unsafe, unpredictable vehicle. If it was a one-time fluke due to bizarre conditions/ situation, I can maybe live with that. If it happens again, there's a problem.
    32kcolors likes this.
  5. rdgrimes

    rdgrimes Senior Member

    Jun 7, 2013
    New Mexico, USA
    2018 Prius Prime
    I think the manual mentions curved ramps, where the radar sees the safety wall directly ahead. How it reacts would be determined by your speed and the distance to the wall. Disconcerting to be sure, but the system was telling you that you were approaching that wall too fast. Obviously you disagree.
  6. 32kcolors

    32kcolors Senior Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Redondo Beach, CA
    2010 Prius
    Perhaps, but I've gone through curved tunnels many times with the adaptive cruise control on and never had a problem with it reacting to the tunnel wall. I bet it was a loose object that crossed the path of the radar or got temporarily stuck on it as she mentioned it was extremely windy that day.
  7. ssinner2466

    ssinner2466 New Member

    Jun 19, 2013
    2013 Prius v wagon
    Thanks everyone. It was just a very uneasy experience to say the least. All I could think about was going over the embankment, losing control or getting rear ended. Hopefully it won't happen again.