Last road trip, found my Prius v not the greatest road car for comfort. Anybody have any tips on making the trip more comfortable,i.e. for the seats. Thanks, JJ
Just took a roadtrip for vacation from DC to the Outer Banks around 210 Miles, No issues and felt fine. Lumbar support helps. What did you usually drive on long trips? My VOLT is just as comfortable.
Describe the size/shape of your body. It seems to matter as some have complained but others have no problems and still others have fiddled until they found the sweet spot on the adjustments.
I'm 6'3'', long legs, big feet. Good ride in the city ( LA traffic) but sitting for hours seat gets uncortable. looking for something that might go in seat or???? Thanks
You can get seat track extensions that go back an extra 4 inches or so. Of course you may not be able to reach the wheel! Around $200 I think. BTW I am 6'5", but it is my wife's car and she won't let me put them in.
I'm only 6' but long torso. I go maybe three hours plus without changing seat positions. Longer than that and I sometimes fiddle with the angles, the lumbar, even the fore and aft. Just to vary things. But I'd do that on just about every car I've owned including sports cars, "plushmobiles" and mini-vans. These don't have the adjust-ability I'd expect on a $40k car but then I didn't pay near that for it.