I recently noticed a film of tiny specks building up near the bottom of my windows on my 2010 Prius. It is happening on the inside only and has the feel of scotch tape, kind of a dry smoothness if that makes any sense. I recently purchased the car and haven't applied any sort of tinting film at all. Does anyone have an idea of what it could be/ideas how to fix it? Thanks.
Are your windows tinted? It looks like it. If so, you probably used a window cleaner that's not compatible with the tint.
I don't think they are tinted, I haven't had them tinted. Could it be a factory UV coating coming off? I recently used Stoner Invisible Glass cleaner, which says on the bottle its safe for tinted windows.
It's most likely tinted using the cheapest lightest tint. Over time, the color fades away and looks clear. Check the corners and pry the tape/film like material. If it is present - tint film, the best way to remove it is by using a steamer. It's easier to remove the whole thing than cutting/removing it piece by piece. The steamer will be your buddy to do this job. Browse youtube for instructions with steam use.
Along this line of discussion. On my new 2013 Prius, which I bought directly from the dealership with just a few miles on it, after I bought it and owned it a while, I noticed the side windows and back windows seem to be tinted. This is an entry level base model, I never paid for tinting. But the windows do seem to be tinted, sort of an amber/yellowish tint. It's light but does exist. I don't mind it, I did not even notice it initially, but I'm wondering now if Toyota doesn't just have windows with a slight degree of tint applied at the factory? I took The Prius in to a shop to see about having a 3m clear bra installed and the installer noticed the tint on my windows, asked me where I had it done. So I know it's not my imagination.
Some models/packages have a water-repelling coating on the front windows. Its possible that you have that coating and there is something wrong with it. - Alex
The OP's profile suggests hey own a 2010 Prius II. If I remember right the water repelling coating that Toyota put on the 2010's was only offered as a feature on the higher packages, 4 and/or 5...can't remember if it included both.
I should add that this is happening on the rear windows as well. I don't think it is a tint film coming off as there is no peeling happening at all nor is there any sort of seem visible that would indicate a tint film on any window (I could be wrong on this but to the best of my knowledge these windows aren't tinted), it's just a different texture near the bottom
Best thing to do first is just drop by a tint shop and let them look at it. I had the same impression before with one of the cars I bought used until the tint guy told me what it was. It's free anyway to have it check there.
I'm not qualified to look at those pictures and give any exact definition as to what is happening. It seems clear (no pun intended) that you have a process of deterioration happening. I would recommend taking it into a auto tint shop, anyone who knows "windows" should be able to tell you exactly what that process is... Have you looked at he marks with a magnifying glass? Is it pitted? I'm assuming you have tried simply cleaning it off? Also has it stopped, or is it getting worse? Do you notice any reaction below the windows,, on the paint below? I can't tell from the pictures but it looks like some type of chemical reaction has taken place. Whatever you find out, please post your results, I'm curious as to what is going on.
I cleaned the windows using Stoner invisible glass and the door panels with Meguiars quik detailer recently. I suppose the Meguiars spray could have gotten on the windows when is sprayed the panels. Once I noticed it I tried cleaning it with the Stoner invisible glass spray but that didn't work. I might use rubbing alcohol and see what happens. I'll also probably take it to a shop and see what they say if the rubbing alcohol doesn't work. Not sure if it's pitted as if something is eating the glass away or if it's residue on top of the glass, I'll have to take a closer look.
I happen to use both those products as well. I know Stoner Invisible Glass is safe for tints. Infact they advertise that they are safe for OEM windows and "most" tinted windows, so I can't imagine it's the Stoner Invisible Glass. I also use Meguiars Quik Interior detailer, which also advertises that it is safe for all interior surfaces. I know I've oversprayed a little on my glass, and I actually like that it wipes of clear and clean and easily, it's part of the reason I like it. Don't mean to be insulting but I'll ask a real stupid question. When you say you did your panels with Meguiars Quik Detailer did you use Meguiars quik INTERIOR detailer? Meguiars has two products a Quik Interior Detailer designed for interior cleaning, and a Quik Detailer, designed to maintain the paint finish. I would think neither would do the damage that is present on your window even if you did accidently use the exterior detailer. I'd be surprised if either of those products were the root of the problem. Just noticed you said you recently purchased this vehicle. So maybe this was something that was put on the windows before you owned it, but is only now manifesting? Who knows what a dealer or previous owner might of applied? Before I threw too many more chemicals on it, I might want a professionals advice.
It was the interior detailer. I am also thinking it could be something that was previously put on them. First chance I get I am going to a shop and see what they have to say about what's on the windows.
I had something less serious happen to my front window. It was hard water spots. Nothing I used would get rid of it until I used this product. It doesn't take much and does the job for hard water spots...might not be the same issue as what you have going on there...but might be worth try. Z-12 Clear-View Glass Polish: Zaino Store
The factory windows are tinted in the glass ~75% (no film is used). See visible light transmissions in 2010 Prius Window Specs | PriusChat However, some dealers further tint the new cars on the lot and try to charge customers excessively for it (or not if they think they can't get away with it). You can confirm by checking if there's an actual film on the inside of the glass.
It's not really a problem. Infact I like it. I doubt this is a case where the dealership further tinted the glass with the goal of charging extra for it, as my purchase was one of those "40 available at this price" deals. It was an entry level, Prius 2 at a bare bones price. If they accidently gave me extra tinting? Good for me. Just compared to my Honda, which did not have any tint....there is definently a degree of what seems an amber tint. I suppose I could just swing by my local Toyota dealer and compare to other Prius on the lot.
It appears the windows are tinted. Did you or someone else use a window cleaners with ammonia in it? My tint installer said to avoid cleaners with ammonia (windex, etc). My first question was about my local car wash. He said he would be surprised if any of the local car washes are using anything caustic - they are fully aware of what to use on tinted windows and any liability associated if they used the wrong cleaners.