I'm doing it. Semi-Gloss Black on my little ole oem 15's. It might look stupid and if so I will maybe just buy some 16's when the tires die anyway. Thoughts!!!!?!??!?!?:mod:
Just want them black, I have black on black on the bimmer, want black on black with the prius, no one's rockin' them black on black here in Dallas, none that I have seen, $30 bucks and if they look like S I will just take em back to normal. or cap them.
The product I purchased is specifically for car wheels and is supposedly scratch resistant and weather proof. Excited to find out, I'll post pics of process and final product on and off car, I might try just the spokes fronts and see how it looks. Then if it sucks I'll do whole visible part of rim, I am interested in seeing if there is a layover to make it glossier. We'll see how it goes.
Might be happening this weekend. I'll take pictures and update when it happens. I'm working on my bimmer also.
What is the UV resistance of this paint? You might be better of going the Powder Coat route. A little more money, but the durability is going to be better that a spray cans worth of Plasticoat. They do make a version that is highly UV resistant, which means the color will stay true longer! It will eventually fade out!
I think I'd just go directly to the black spinners and save the embarrassment of having the plasti peel. .Car To Wheel Search
Here are my two options, could do another option if someone comes up with something for black. Maybe whole wheeL?
You might want to consider switching from Plastikote to powdercoat, although it'll cost you a bit more, it'll look way way better, definetily be more durable and no balance issues as mentioned earlier.
First option makes wheels look larger than stock. Second option is a bit weird. Another option-plastikote the whole thing black and put the 2012 alloy covers on.
I ended up plasticoating the whole wheel black except for center caps, lugs and air stem caps. LG-MS870 ? 2
To be perfectly honest, I don't like the look of a black rim. To me it just looks like it's missing a hubcap, but that's just my opinion. You did a really good job on the coating. Looks like it covered well. Just keep your eyes on it for a while to make sure it holds up and doesn't peel. Well done.