where do they get this info? Should we correct them?
There is some quote about annoying a pig by trying to teach it... oh, forget it, he's not worth the effort! I just hope he doesn't breed.
I did notice there are attempts at correction under that. Not by anyone who actually drives a hybrid, it appears.* Also, what do you expect? It's a GM chat. Ohhhh, maybe we could have the Malorn's evil twin (who hates GM) go there and post pro-hybrid comments. OK, OK it was a cheap shot. I'm not fully awake yet. *Edit: Looking to the end I do see hybrid owners reacting (and by the name it looks like one of us ).
Here it is again. Draw a conclusion first: hybrids bad. And then try to come up with pieces to support that conclusion--although I have to say that this guy's attempt is especially ignorant and transparent. Oh well, I'm sure that guy's 6.2L Vortec V8 is paying off major dividends in fuel savings to him right now compared to us poor fools driving these inefficient HSD cars.
"My motives is that I am sick of the hype surroundiung hybrids. I have a problem with corporations making consumers think they are saving money b buying hybrids. " hahaha.. oh that's a good one. Someone's sad cause someone else is stealing the spotlight.
Where do they get it? Good question, I think a lot of it they just make up or twist a few facts or non-facts around to suit their point of view. You can see the same kind of stuff on the far (fill in the blank) political web sites. It's designed to please people with the same point of view and infuriate those with the opposite viewpoint. Also some of the people who post on these sites are employees of GM (or whoever) and are being paid to trash whatever the management wants trashed. I think it doesn't hurt to correct them if you have the time, but it may do little good. Most of the people who visit these sites, including this one, already have their minds made up and don't want to be confused with facts.
I find senseless arguments like those quite redeeming. The "facts" presented are false, and it's pretty easy to see how they select only examples that support their anti-hybrid claims. The reality that GM is now aiming the spotlight on E85 alone as an answer rather than hybrids that can use E85 is very amusing. Aren't they paying attention? Ford announced that they are working on delivering one. And all hybrids already have the ability to use E10. That combining of solutions is undeniably better than just a single one. > The battery in hybrids only charges when the brakes are applied That is totally incorrect. This person has either absolutely no clue how a "full" hybrid works or intentionally attempting to deceive. > the MPG increase in a hybrid in comparison to its non-hybrid counterpart is so minimal that the hybrid’s benefits fail to offset the premium price. The differences in MPG is miniscule if not absent. The New York Times tested the RX330 to the RX400h, and found a 1 MPG increase This is an obvious "direct attention away from Prius" claim, by making people assume hybrids can only be configured in one way. > Here is why E85 will live up the hype that hybrids have failed to. Pretending that a hybrid cannot ever have the ability to use E85 is just plain wrong. This is a rather blatant example of justifying non-hybrids as a solution. Remember, a hybrid won't require as much E85 since it has a more efficient system.
[attachmentid=2150]Attached is an Excel spreadsheet that I put together to calculate "my" breakeven point when comparing the Prius to a similarly priced Grand Prix. This takes into account gas price, miles I drive per year and the 2006 hybrid tax credit. The break even point for my situation (in comparison to a Grand Prix purchase)seems to about 1.6 years. Rick S
Yes, we should try to correct the poster. His grammar is terrible! The second sentence states: Seriously, when I saw that error I knew it was a troll. Yea, and I suppose you could say I got hooked too just by generating this response. Now if I could just find the pliers to get this dang hook out of my cheek... Rick '06 #4 silver, still over 50 mpg at mostly 75 mph.
He can't even spell BRAKES, how bright do you think he is? The Detroit News has already reported that GM buyers are not as well educated as Toyota buyers. My experience has been that people who don't think don't WANT to be taught to think (like Republicans, for example). Leave the guy alone. Nate
Yeah, the guy's a tool. His "arguments" aren't very hard to tear apart. Now now Nate. Not all Republicans fall into that category. Just the most vocal/obnoxious ones.
Now you know how I feel about some of what is posted on here. Fact is one thing but when PC'ers just start slamming GM and ford to let off steam....does not feel good does it?
Is what you said there any better than what you are fuming about? Isn't it really mudslinging in both cases?
Eric, what should I say? How about I am a GM dealer who has spent some time on Priuschat and have found everything I have read on there to always be the truth and completely objective? All PC posters always give GM a fair shake and do not rush to conclusions.