I live in the NW where it rains a lot and is cloudy. During a cloudy day with heavy rain, i put my headlights on. the problem is when i turn my headlights on, the dash lights are so dim and can not check my speed. does anyone have a solution or work around? i do have the intensity set on high.
If you rotate the dash light dimming knob all the way, doesn't it click to 'permanent' high irregardless if the headlights are on or not? Been a while since I owned my 2006 but that's how most cars are, as well as the Gen III.
u can cycle through the brightness of the dash lights by pressing the button beside the odo/trip button below the mfd. or if u want to go full brightness right away, just press it for about 2secs.
I live in the NW where it is often cloudy and raining. when it starts raining moderately, I turn my headlights on. When I do that, I can't see my speedometer as the dash lights are too dim. I think I have tried everything on my 2007 model, but nothing I do solves the problem. Any ideas?
Try rotating the thumb wheel that controls the dimmer on the dash until it clicks. You can't hear it, but you will feel it. IIRC, you need to roll the thumb wheel all the way up. Once that happens the dash lights will stay the same brightness no matter if the headlights are on or off. If you still have problems, I suggest you get your eye's checked. My wife had the same problem, and come to find out she was getting cataracts. What you are experiencing is a common complaint and is normally resolved with the thumb wheel. I too keep ours turned all the way up as it is hard to see at certain times as you have illustrated. Hope this helps you and good luck to you. Ron