HEY THERE PRIUS CHAT FOLKS !!! The 2013 TO GO BEFORE Event was a SUCCESS !!! This was definitely NOT AN EVENT TO HAVE MISSED !!! Many Thanks to the Founders : Danny C. and Russell F. for Creating this Unforgettable Event !!! Their Passion, Dedication, and Service to our Prius Community is Phenomenal. You are Second To None !!! On behalf of All of Us I would like to thank the Founders, Toyota Motor Corporation, The City of Riverside, The Sponsors : Eleven International - Clazzio, RS-R, Beat-Sonic, OEM Audio Plus, Bridgestone, and Nokero , Supporters, and Most Importantly ... Our Prius Chat Community, Prius Owners and Enthusiasts, and All Responsible for a very Successful Event !!! Here are just Some of the Many Pictures I had taken during my stay at the To Go Before Event. I was not able to attend the Sunday Caravan due to Father's Day. Let's Begin !!! Setup Day : Thursday June 13, 2013 at the Host Hotel - Hampton Inn Arrived at my room to find this Exclusive Gift from the Hotel !!! TGB4 Official Backpack Assembly !!! TGB4 Official T-Shirts !!! After we completed the TGB4 Official Backpacks, it was time for some rest !!! The morning after ... Many thanks to the Hampton Inn for a great Continental Breakfast !!! Then it was time to head to the California Citrus Historic Park ... The site for the 2013 To Go Before Event !!! Packed the 2 TGB4 Official Prius v's !!! And we arrived !!! Setup Time for Friday Night's Welcoming Party !!! Then the folks from the Service Project arrived !!! Later that event it was time for the Welcoming Gathering !!! Here's Danny !!! The Attentive Crowd !!! Meanwhile outside ... just some of the many great Prii on site !!! After the Welcoming Gathering it was time to get the Sunkist Center prepared for Saturday's Event filled with Technical Sessions from Toyota University's David Lee !!! And in No Time it was Saturday, June 15, 2013 !!! First one's on site !!! Setting up the Sponsor / Vendor location !!! Toyota's Ride & Drive !!! The RS-R, Beat Sonic, Clazzio, and OEM Audio + Booths are Ready to go !!! Danny with the OEM Audio Plus Crew !!! Danny with the Eleven International - Clazzio Crew !!! Danny with the RS-R Crew !!! Meanwhile Sam from Beat Sonic was one Busy Guy installing New Shark Fin antennas for some Lucky Prius Owners !!! It was then time for the Sponsor - Vendor Product Orientation !!! Daniel and Bobby representing OEM Audio + !!! Sam representing Beat Sonic !!! Ben representing RS-R !!! Eleven International - Clazzio representing TGB4 !!! Meanwhile inside the Sunkist Center there were a multitude of informative Technical Sessions held by Toyota University's Prius Expert ... David Lee !!! Then it was time for the Raffles !!! Just some of the many prizes included : Toyota Memorabilia / Gift Certificates !!! A Set of Bridgestone Tires !!! Eleven International - Clazzio Leather Seats !!! OEM Audio + Prius Sound System !!! Beat Sonic Shark Fin Antennas !!! RS-R Ran Up Oil Additive !!! And Much Much More !!! Danny and Yoko-san !!! The excited audience !!! Congratulations to all the winners !!! Here are just some of the many winners that day ... After all the Great Festivities that afternoon it was time to get the Sunkist Center cleaned ... And then it was time for the Food and Fellowship event dinner at the Host Hotel ... Hampton Inn !!! Bobby and Tiffany and Lucas !!! Prius Chat Family !!! After a great Saturday it was time to a great nights rest ... I didn't get to stay for the Sunday Caravan to Lake Arrowhead unfortunately ... so stay tuned for other Prius Chat folks' pictures taken that day !!! Highlights of the Event : The Official TGB4 Backpack included MANY GREAT ITEMS for all of the Registered Attendees !!! The Backpack ... Backpack Luggage Tag ... Attendee Badge Note Pad and Pen TGB4 T-Shirt Heavy Duty Cup Night-Light KeyChain Bracelet Sustainable Pen Flashlight Lip Balm Kleenex Tissue Bridgestone Bottle Openers / Coasters Bridgestone Tire Pressure Gage Literature and Coupons from the City of Riverside PowerBass USA 2013 Catalog (Featuring HBII) and Lanyard Beat Sonic USA 2013 Catalog & Contact Card Eleven International - Clazzio Insert & Contact Card OEM Audio + Insert & Contact Card And Much Much more !!! My additional Personal Memorable Highlights ... Photo Opportunity with David Lee / Toyota University Photo Opportunity with AimGain Inc. Japan President - Tetsuya Ito Photo Opportunity with Danny and some of our Prius Chat Friends !!! Photo Opportunity with John/Tideland Prius and our Clazzio Family !!! Photo Opportunity with David and Bobby (FishCandy) Photo Opportunity with the Justin (F8L), PriusChat, Clazzio, and the OEM Audio + Families !!! Again, on behalf of Everyone I would like to thank the Founders - Danny C. and Russell F. for this Unforgettable Event ... To Go Before. Thanks to the All of the Sponsors / Vendors ... Toyota Motor Corporation, The City of Riverside, Eleven International - Clazzio, RS-R, Beat-Sonic, OEM Audio Plus, Bridgestone, and Nokero , and Most Importantly ... Our Prius Chat Community, Prius Owners and Enthusiasts, and All Responsible for a very Successful Event !!! It was quite an Honor taking part in Prius History !!! <3 You All !!! Hope to See you all Next Year for the 2014 To Go Before !!! Rodney
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures and memories! It was a wonderful time! We missed you on the ride! I sure hope that this will be a tradition for many years to come. We so enjoyed learning more about the Prius and we met such wonderful people! The Schroeder Family: Kristen, Stan, and Sarah
Awesome pics Rodney! You have the best visuals! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to this event! Very well organized and planned out!
Cool pics, yes, Justin looks good, but what I want to know is .. how does Rodney get over speed bumps ???
Thanks Rodney. I wish this event was a little closer to Oregon. It sure looks like the attendees had a great time ! Any chance of moving north a little ? Say Santa Rosa ( or even San Jose ). Much more doable for those of us residing in the Pacific N.W.
Hey there Schroeder Family !!! It is because of Great Events like this that bring us together that makes it special !!! I wish I could have joined you for the Caravan, but spent Sunday with my Family for Father's Day !!! Maybe I'll see you all at TGB4 2.0 ??!!! Rodney Hey Bobby !!! With all the Hard Work, Dedication, Organization, and Planning this was quite a Successful 1st Ever "To Go Before" !!! Your Prius Project looked awesome displaying proudly at the OEM Audio + Booth !!! Rodney It was great to finally meet you after all these years John !!! Hope to see you again !!! Rodney Thanks for all your hard work as well Justin !!! Great to meet you in person after all this time !!! Rodney Hey there Cycledrum !!! Well the benefit to the Air Runner Air Suspension system is that it allows me to adjust the height of the vehicle with the touch of a switch !!! Rodney Hey there Jaymac !!! Maybe for TGB4 2.0 ??!! Finding a location that can best accommodate the majority can be quite a task but I am sure the Co-Founders take much into consideration !!! Hope to see ya soon !!! Rodney
Ah, air suspension came to mind before asking. Makes sense. Have to go over speed bumps sometimes. Very unique Prius you have
Great photos! it was a beautiful weekend and I was honored to be a part of the first-ever TGB4! Great work everyone!!
once again, provided another great review with your characteristic professionalism, detailed orientation, and thoroughness. great pics rodney! Your review allow those lucky of us there to reexperience the great weekend. And it also allows everyone else to vicariously live through your great pictures. thanks again.
Used to live in SoCal until 11 years ago when I moved to SC. Wish I could have been there, but it's a long haul from the east coast! Maybe a future TGB4 could be in a more central location?
Makes me feel physically ill seeo]ing those pix and not being able to attend. Glad the event went well and I sure miss seeing you folks there.