While I was picking up my new CT I asked the salesman if he could shed some light on this next generation Auris hybrid. The current Auris has the same engine as gen. III Prius. The engine will carry over unchanged when the second generation Auris is released in Europe early in 2013. Bummer. I had hoped that we would see some new optimizations in the drivetrain, perhaps hinting at the performance enhancements of the next Prius, but no luck this time.
Speaking strictly as a layman, I suspect the current (Prius) drivetrain is close to state-of-the-art optimized for the current size, weight, wind and rolling resistance, and speed expectations coupled with manufacturing cost. I say that because no other manufacturer has been able to better Toyota (except for the pure electric vehicles). The system seems to be in (near-perfect) "balance" where any change, such as adding weight, or designing for a higher top speed, or increased acceleration, would have a "ripple" effect on all of the system components. Actually, I consider myself fortunate to own such a magnificent machine that performs so economically, is so comfortable, completely reliable and leads all the others in fuel efficiency. Personally, I would not sacrifice any of those attributes to raise the top speed, or lower the 0-60 acceleration; or reduced interior space to accommodate a larger battery. I have driven my G3 completely across the country four times .... traveled 700 miles per day in comfort, and averaging 52 mpg. You cannot do that in a pure electric. I have supposed that, economically speaking, 50 mpg (EPA) is somewhat like a barrier in automobiles, as the "sound-barrier" is for aircraft. Even Toyota could not cost effectively break the barrier in the Lexus or other hybrid models, including the Prius V. That is not to say they could not have exceeded the barrier with extraordinary (and costly) appliances, much as the aircraft industry can exceed the sound barrier with tremendously increasing thrust, but the added cost would price the vehicle out of reach for most of the driving public. Those are my thoughts .... what are yours?
Based on owning a Gen 2 and a v, even minor aerodynamic improvements would increase MPG (adaptive grill openings, road smoothness based ride height, and video sideview mirrors, as examples) Several engine technologys are still untapped, Direct Injection and electric forced induction, to name two. Folks stress over battery tech, so I won't. With the Toyota PSD having 4 generations and the Volt being out, tracking of where each is superior in real life may prove profitable. I find that the Cruise Control Techs are not 'bonding' with the fuel efficincy experts as much as hyper milers would like: Accelerate under cruise could equal the least grams per Kilowatt/Hr Decelerate under Cruise could equal a perfect glide. Cruise under load could keep the load equal and allow speed to change. Lots of opportunity.
Agree that Toyota got things right overall. Would have liked 45mph in more of EV mode that the 35mph I get....
HP is a cubic-function of speed, because DRAG is a squared-function of speed. Thus, faster = more drag & thus even more hp needed...whether from battery or engine.