iono if this has been covered b4, but i just found out, our prius, once we got the car started, took the key out of the car, and we can still drive the car(about 1hr drive), and the car function normal except the no key warnin light btw we have the smart key system
Right. This also came up during a discussion about if you were carjacked. The carjacker would be able to drive away, but once they shut down that was it.
I guess your salesman didn't bother to show you this during delivery. Mine made it a point to explain this and demo the yellow light and beeps. He also explained how someone could drive off w/the car and then be stuck somewhere unable to start it if you forget to give them the key.
That's still scary, I'm sure they'd know not to shut it down until they were in the middle of Mexico or whatever. So, as they're driving away, you get the fob out, lock and alarm their doors and try to get the panic alarm going? Or as they were pulling you out, you hit the ready button? Or you just phone your insurance co. later, because your kid isn't in the back seat?
If you normally drive with the keys in your pocket like I do, and if you are ever carjacked, keep the keys in your pocket and get out. Of course, if you can and you have the presence of mind, turn the car off and then get out. Or better yet, get out and as you're running away, hit the panic button.
That's something I've always wondered about. Does the Panic button still work if the car's unlocked and running?
There was a discussion a few months ago about folks who have left the Prius running in the parking lot without intending to do so. That's a scary enough scenario in it's own right. A potential thief just slides in and drives away. Talk about your good motivator for making DARNED sure you've turned the car off. It matters not to me if the car leaves them stranded somewhere afterwards. If it's out of my posession, it's stolen.
The panic button won't work with the car on. I tried on the Camry. Ya know, maybe that's where all the "Prius driving away on its own" stories come from.
Darn, I was really hoping. Being at work I didnt' want to go outside and try it. Also because it's 27ºF and snowing.
Yeah, I love that. When I go out to the car, if it unlocks, I know that the key is on me somewhere but I seldom bother to figure out which pocket it's actually in.
On every Gen2 I deliver I give the new ( first ) owner the following dictum. "Park ==>Power==>Out" "Park..Power..Out" Make sure you shut down the Prius. Then I show them how I can 'steal' their vehicle if they leave it running and take the fob inside. It makes the point. I also go over the 3 warning beeps when the door is closed and the fob is outside the frame of the vehicle and the one long 3 sec beep when the door doesnt lock from the outside. It's part of the one hour final delivery for new owners. In addition: SKS disable and the jump start process. These are so different from any other vehicle the must be shown and identified.
No need to press PARK before POWER. Just hit power and you're good to go. Park is only needed if you want to leave the car on, but not move.
i was thinking about that too if u somehow out of the blue, just left ur car on, and left, some1 can just drive it away... i guess basically the key is like a starter thing, u can drive w/o it, just need it to start