I just bought a 2010 modelIV with solar roof. It came with only one FOB. The FOB for solar roof models includes an A/C button to remotely start the A/C. Any reason a non A/C fob would not work? My plan: buy a used regular (non-a/c) fob from ebay or craigslist and have it reprogramed. Does that sound do-able?
You might consider other vehicle keyfobs, such as this Toyota Venza unit: TOYOTA VENZA SMART KEY KEYLESS REMOTE & UNCUT KEY INSERT HYQ14ACX | eBay Verify that your keyfob says "DENSO 14ACX" on the case. If so, then any HYQ14ACX keyfob should work. The Venza has the 4th button, although it seems to work the trunk on that vehicle. I'm using a Prius keyfob on a Lexus CT200h, and the electronics are exactly the same. The Lexus mechanical key is different, as is the case. The picture of the Venza mechanical key looks like the same one used with the Prius. Watch out for 14AAB keyfobs, which are electrically different even though they can use the same case.
My Prius III with solar roof came with one key fob with A/C button and one without! The dealership did not have any A/C model on hand to exchange. Actually it's hard to find a lease return with solar roof right now. It seems I can only accept it. (See here) The one without A/C button will be kept home as backup.
Are all toyota smart key, compatible with prius gen 3? I have the non ac key but looking at some ebay cheapest is non ac fob is $89. Can I use other model smart key in place, if so which ones can I use? Is there a quick diy programming as well?