We just bought our Prius C last Monday and we want to celebrate by taking it to the Drive-In movies tonight. Does anyone know how often we will have to restart the car mid movie to keep the battery charged? tx, stacey
Just leave the car in"Ready", in PARK and let the car do it's thing. When the battery gets low, the engine will start automatically , recharge the battery, then shut off by itself.
I am confused about why you would need to do anything to keep the battery charged. What electricity are you using from the car? How would it be different if you went in a regular ICE car? Where are you finding a drive-in movie at all??? (Bisco has the right answer for any electrical usage.) [The last time I went to a drive-in movie, I saw a science fiction movie set in the year 2015, so what do I know...]
i think you play the sound thru your radio now. there's a drive in on cape cod. i think my last trip was for 'it's a mad mad mad mad world'.
yes, you need to keep your radio on...thank you for the help....what about the driving lights? They need to be off???
Leave it in ready mode, the normal driving mode, not one of the other modes. Bring a piece of cardboard to cover the instrument panel. Enjoy movie with radio, AC, and whatever else you want, it'll charge itself as needed, and won't use up too much gas in doing so.
The head unit can be turned off, but the dimmer for the main instrument panel only works when the headlights are on. Just bring a towel or piece of cardboard to cover it up, I assume you headlights will be off an it'll be obnoxiously bright.
you can't turn off the drl's? who's designing these things? don't they go to the drive in to watch godzilla?
You can turn off the DRLs... what he said was that the instrument panel can only be dimmed when the lights are on... and if the lights are on you are blinding the people around you...
Then the answer is to turn them off. DRLs won't help at all, and even with the DRLs on you don't even get the night time dimming of the main panel, you have to go to normal nigh time headlight mode for that. So: 1. Car in ready mode (normal driving mode). 2. DRLs/headlights off. 3. Head unit off. 4. Towel or cardboard covering main console. The ICE will start occasionally to either warm up the coolant, if the coolant temp drops too low, or to charge the battery, if the battery gets down to the low end of 2 bars. In either situation it won't be firing up very often or for very long, and it resolves both issues at the same time whenever it does rev up.
I just answered that, I'm the only one that posted between your two posts, so clearly this is directed at me. I just went out of my way to cover that question. After that, I went on to reiterate the other points made so far. Perhaps you could be more clear in how the answer is not being given, you need to be more verbose.