I've always felt that I was a very good driver-- as most men probably do. Since I got my Prius however, I feel as if I've improved dramatically in the driving department. It's only been two weeks now since the Prius arrived (I'm quite the newbie), but somehow I drive "differently". Anticipation seems to be the key, unlocking and releasing the many demons that caused me to rush everywhere in my Tacoma, just being what I see now as a typical jerk. Driving the Prius relaxes me. And this is good. Does anyone feel the same way?
Absolulely! Amazing what a little feedback on MPG will do. The first time I raced around someone just to "be ahead" as I used to do--and saw how lousy the mileage was--I axed that move from my usual driving habits! In general I'm much more relaxed about driving now. Still a defensive driver, but less of an aggressive one!
yeah. you can actually sit back and breath.. you don't care how fast you go because you'll get there more relaxed and only a min or so later than other people. I like long trips or mountain driving it's fun to roll down all the windows and turn the a/c and radio off. You can just sit and listen since the car doesn't make any noise
Unlocking and releasing demons? Whoa! Yes, there have been several discussions of this kind, but not usually as powerful and poetic as your phrase. The "zen" of the Prius is sometimes mentioned. And yes, anticipation, TECHNICALLY speaking, is a key to making it work for you (if you're into maximizing MPG). But it's more fundamental than that, if you've also got the actual change in attitude, not just techniques. Good on you!
Yeah sort of. I drive to get good mileage now and I'm not sure that's always best. I don't exceed the speed limit much any more, and I tend to drive way ahead of where I am, I think both those things are good. But I also find myself wanting to run stop signs because stopping and starting uses more fuel. Don't get me wrong I don't actually do it but I want to, well a couple of times when no one was around. . . . <_<
Same experience also going from a Tacoma to a Prius. And in Calif with the HOV stickers, I usually pass the up-tight drivers while I coast by in the car pool lane, relaxed and enjoying the car.
Actually, I find myself LESS likely to want to roll through a stop sign, because I know that I am recovering energy every time I stop. In a conventional vehicle, I knew that start and stop sequence was very inefficient, and was always motivated to avoid a complete stop.
yes, driving for FE is not only more relaxing (as you realize how silly it looks to rush everywhere) but it's also safer (not only because of lower speed) as trying to maintain your momentum makes you look further ahead to anticipate stops and also keep more distance to the car in front of you. That said, I sometimes get so pre-occupied by the screen on the Prius, trying to coach the car into EV mode, that I pay less attention to the road. I also find myself trying to glide through 'tight' openings as well as through intersections to 'maintain momentum' both of which is a little sloppy from a security reason. I also tend to 'fake stop' at stop signs, maybe not that unsafe but still breaking the law. But I'm convinced that I'm overall is a much safer driver now with my Prius
I have become a much safer and better driver. Of course, I'm not sure how much I'm liked from those behind me. I go exactly the speed limit, sometimes two or three below. My average MPG after 1700 miles is over 55! You can't ask for more than that. I use to be impatient and have a lead foot....the Prius has changed all that. Ken