Was doing 80! I never drive that fast and realized, wow, this car really cooks! I even flashed my lights at a couple people to get out of the fast lane. I'm sure they were going Then I saw this in my rearview mirrors... So thus ended my fun for the morning. He was like "Holy crap, I think you're the first Prius I've pulled over doing 80. Is there an emergency?" I just laughed and looking sheepish said "No sir. I'm sorry, I usually drive surface streets to work. I've never had it that high before. I didn't realize how fast I was going until I saw you in the rear view and looked down." He said "Do you have some other engine in this thing or something?" I said "No sir, it's all stock under the hood except for the head lamp bulbs." After checking everything he... He let me off with a WRITTEN WARNING! He said "Try to not go more than 7 over the speed limit please. I'm not ticketing you because no one would believe me. If I see you doing it again I will though. Have a good day." Back to surface streets for me!
I-95 here is posted at 75mph. I normally set cruise-control at 81. I zip through many radar traps. I have never been pulled over.
Speed limit where I was at is 55-60 on the interstate for some dumb reason. Nobody goes 55 through there. Hell, nobody goes 60 through there. / Would have been a really expensive ticket if he didn't just give me a written warning.
Doing 80 MPH in 55 MPH zone is stupid no matter what. I've done more than 80 MPH in Prius occasionally, but in 75 MPH zones. There is nothing fast about doing 80 MPH except for the fact that Prius efficiency drops like a rock.
I do 80 all the time around the beltway around here, even though the speed limit is 55, no one ever drives 55. Doing 80 in a prius doesn't seem to impact MPG that much as long as you don't "break". I slowly ramp up to 80+ and cruise in the left lane, then slowly shift over to the right when I need to go slower.
True, up to the point. There will be a point (my guess somewhere near 100 MPH) where prius will lose with small conventional cars in the MPG department.
I just did a 400 mile drive from LA. Average overall speed was over 60mph and cruised at 75-80mph on hwy5 for most of the drive, mpg for this leg of this trip was was 41. Not bad at all in my book.
On several occasions, I have had the "Oh crap!" comment fly out of my mouth. I'd find myself at 80 MPG in a 65 zone. I didn't even realize it... Love the Prius!
we had a Toyota auris hybrid as our rental car in Europe. (The newer model which resembles the ct200h) and we were able to get it to 160kmh in Germany. But I think 160 is the car,s limit. At that speed the acceleration is almost none, and the car start to "lift up". That said, we were very impressed by Toyota,s hybrid we brought a Prius at home.
Hmmm, I guess me running up to 91 on the freeway is not the norm. usual 76-80 on the way to work, more 35-65 on the way home. I get an average of 47mpg based on fill-up's. When I do the LA to Chico run, it is about 44.