I was thinking of making ramp like on the link enclose, to have more room to work underneath. Corvette C3 Ramps - Build Home Made Car Ramps The plastic ramp are too low, I think they are 6in. I have a metal ramp 8in but it is hard to drive on to it. It slides on a concrete and I need to put extra pieces of wood 2x4 as there is not enough clearance in the front. Not to mention the car is not level.
To build ramp like this should be easy but to drive UP on it in straight line might be a problem. I have found an alternative HYDRAULIC CAR RAMPS Hydraulic Car Ramps | Garage equipment for the Classic Car Enthusiast Though, shipping might be expensive.
Holy smokes, this is absolutely amazing and I don't know why this hasn't gone viral yet thank you very much for posting as I will be getting started on a set up similar to the 300z's two weekends from now, although I have read that they are sturdy but I'm wondering how durable they are and how many times they can be used until they have to be scraped and I'd be building another set.
I wonder if one could sink the surface the car drives on and make a lip of sorts to guide the wheels so you wouldn't drive off... These look amazing!!
The idea of DIY ramps gets into my head every so often. Then I give myself a smack and get back to floor jack and safety stands.
If you keep them in a garage in dry condition and they are done correctly they will most likely outlast your car. My main concern is the ability to drive OFF from the ramp. It might be easy to drive up but getting the car down might be tricky; slight movement of the steering wheel and the car might be off the ramp :-/ In addition the incline must be done with correct angle as our clearance is only 6.5in distance between wheels about 110in Anybody good with numbers?
Hello all, while searching for an older post in a different forum, I stumbled across this one discussing ramps and thought I may be able to help out. I am the one who built the ramps with the 300zx on them, and I am more than happy to share insight/construction details with anyone who is thinking of building a set First off, to address some of the questions/concerns above: yes, you should DEFINITELY have a friend to help quide you onto the ramps. Yes, the ramps are VERY strong and will likely outlive yourself if you take care of them (I.E. painted/stained, and covered storage), and I would be happy to describe my (admittedly crude) strength test to anyone interested. Yes, the ramps are easy to drive on and off with even the lowest car; that 300zx you see in the pictures has a front lip that is only about 4 inches off the ground, and I drive on with ease. If they are built properly, driving off and on is so buttery smooth the experience will make you smile. In all honesty, if you are any type of car person, you will not regret building a set of these ramps. I really, really, wish I had built a set 20 years ago when I first started monkey-wrenching; it would have saved me countless discomforts, strains, and curses (to say nothing of time!).
I checked their supplier website, they do not ship to the US or Canada. It's too bad, I liked them and was thinking about getting a pair.