Well, let me explain that this implementation of two products have been accepted and approved for publication from the designer and manufacturer, known in our forums as EFLIER. I took this approach because really it bothers me to open and close very often the aluminum case to flash the software. The components used are computer surplus from so many years of fooling around with hardware upgrades but very accessible in any Radio Shack stores, not to promote or advertise them. Basically the goal was to have CanView and the adaptor board in one single package for ease handling, so I decided to hot glue the adaptor board to the inside of the enclosure with an access for the flash programming of CC, CI and CV and power jack adaptor or external power supply. Also I installed a DB9 female connector with an internal ribbon cable to one end of the enclosure so the external USB programmer can connect to the internal circuit. The included pictures are self explanatory of the 2 hs total job. The adaptor board requires in this case the removal of the red case switch block and installation of it in the opposite side of the PC Board for external operation; it is hot glued to the sliding cover of the case and I installed 4 plastic washers as spacers. The placement of the board is semi-critical as to clear any other stand-up components, so I choose to be as close to the outside edges of the enclosure as possible and marking the rectangle to be removed so the switches can go through. After the glue hardened, I slide the top cover an aligned the box to my next step, marking for the opening for the power jack input, a 3/8" drill bit did the job. Next was to mark the location for the DB9 for the outside interface in the opposite side of the case, where CV connects with its harness to the MFD and CAN signal. After completing the opening I fastened it with pop rivets but it can be used regular small bolt, washer, pressure washer and bolt hardware from RS also. The soldered wiring is straight forward pin by pin through the male /female DB9 connector. To version are shown in the pictures, cross over configuration; Or up and down the rows. The CanView has a female connector installed and the ribbon wire end of my USB programmer carries the male end. In the pictures can be appreciated also two wiring from the adaptor board to the main CV, finally I choose to use another 8 conductor ribbon cable with a black header to complete this job because with so many up and down of the circuit boards and wires flexing, 4 conductors became loose of their position and instead resoldering them I replaced it with a more flexible one. This is the price paid when you experiment too much, but the original wire harness provided is more than adequate. A presentation of the completed job and a final electrical and software testing deserved a “Seal of Approval†and a final reinstallation of CanView in my 04 Prius rendered a fully working accessory once again.
Well done! I'm probably not going to repeat that as the labor involved + the risk of me screwing something up seems to exceed that of just pulling the box apart each time. Still, I would have loved to have that set up from the start.
I took the box out and came to the same conclusion. I just don't have the tools necessary to modify the case in a credible way. Oh well.
When I started this, the only programming option was Silabs development kit at $99 and I assumed very few would be interested, hence the add-on adapter board. Today, 60% of CANview owners have bought (cheaper) programmers. But thats 20/20 hindsight. OK, I can learn. The next board revision, if I ever get it finished, will have the adapter built in as standard so no need to open the case. It will also have better (read more expensive) video connectors, although my SCART connectors have been plugged and unplugged hundreds of times for testing without problems. Gold flashed machined contact D-subs may be 10x the price, but at least you can buy them over here. I'm going to make the serial out an option as most people don't use it, but when you do take it, I'll add an O/P pin on the serial connector to drive your EV mode wiring from touch screen. (If you just can't figure out where to put your manual EV switch) Fot those who have CAN-views without the 12v battery monitor, look at my web-site for how to do-it-yourself, or contact PC member mrbigh who has offered to do the mod for the price of return postage (in the USA). Only version 2's have convenient holes to solder the parts in, version 1's need a connection to a surface mount tiny chip (which has been done but not recommended; Frank had to look the other way when I did his) All at your own risk. The current software recognises if the parts are installed and displays an icon (L for Lead acid was all I could think of) It shows up on user text and format screens, but not graph as there's not enough range (11.8 to 14.2) to justify it. Still working on an instant miles-per-US gallon parameter, which will be text and graph. Hopefully ready to post by Friday.
How about the rearview camera? I am moving along with that and think that is a big benefit of your Mod. BTW the Britts were very nice to work with. Confirmed I was getting the right part and walked me through it. Good people!
the 12 volt readout is kind of interesting to watch how low it will go on a cold morning and what the normal battery voltage is, 12.1 cold start, 13.9 toggling 14.0 volts running. My Classic doesn't afford the start voltage but my charge voltage is steady at 13.8 Which I consider bottom of the normal 12 volt battery range. I'd love to know if it's just a pot in the DC to DC converter that can be adjusted to get it up to 14.1 to 14.2 volts. Watching Norm solder the components to the smd's inside the box, I shake just a bit to much to try that one.
Mrbigh what is yourr website addess? Would be interested in learning more about what CanView is and what your doing. Viro
Will your planned board revision then enable using a laptop computer with a programmer in the Prius for updates without removing the CANVIEW unit from the Prius? (recognizing one will need to separately get ac power to the unit for the programming). Also, I'm an 8-day prius owner of a new 2006, and understand CANVIEW is not yet available for the 2006. Do you have an estimate CANVIEW availability date for the board revision and for a 2006? I'm ready to buy !!
As long as you provide power to the supplied jack, yes you can program a version 3 without removing it from the car or opening the box or disconnecting it. As I've stated on my web-site under hybridinterfaces.ca, the 2006 Prius (other than the base model) has a digital video input for the new NAV and an analog composite video for the standard back-up camera going directly to the new MFD socket M14. The reason I have said CAN-view will not be available for the 2006 is that the digital input is impractical at this point and the composite video input, while pretty good for DVD movies, leaves a lot to be desired if you are trying to read text. It is readable, yes, but compared to the clean text you get via the 2004 RGB input and especially compared to the new MFD internal graphics, the comparison is unfavourable in my humble opinion. That's a function of the limited bandwidth composite video has (~4MHz compared to 20MHz for the RGB), not of the MFD and not of CAN-view. I think if I did a version with composite video out I would be laying myself open to numerous complaints about readability. But I'd be interested to hear people's comments.
Sorry to hear that re 2006 Prius. I'm intrepeting your above email to indicate that there is no existing nor forseeable technological solution that will produce good display quality. It's surprsing to me that the display quality is such a factor for such a small video screen. I personally would seriously consider a lower quality version if I could view good closeup photos of several of the lower quality screen shots on your website, preferably in comparison to comparable photos of existing/pre-2006 CANVIEW screenshots. I expect others would also. A purchaser would have nothing to complain about if they realistically know what they are getting in advance. I'd also of course consider paying more/a premium if there is a technological solution for good quality at higher cost.
Since you are interested in commets... I don't have anything to compare to and probably will have little anytime in the future. If its readable, it does the job. But if its really hard to read, maybe its not so good. You DO have a basis to compare. If you do go ahead with a version for the '06 (I have pkg 8 but apparantly the old MFD) I am interested.
So is this new input compatible/identical with the standard DVI graphics that's available in computer and laptops these days? Would then maybe an RGB to DVI convertor is all that's needed then? Possibly, acquired independently and used to convert CAN-view's video output?
great mod!@!@ but i dont have a problem taking mine apart...but one of these days if i have the time, i might consider something like that. but having re-flashed my CANVIEW about 6 or 7 times so far, i dont feel its a problem. the whole operation ive done in less than 10 minutes that is. removal, dis assembly, flash, assembly and reinstall. and didnt all that hard ore particularly fast to do it either. but still a very cool mod.
wait till you have the OBD11 chip installed. That check engine light is just a distant memory you now can inform the dealer what the code is. snicker snicker snicker