I know the C hasn't been out long enough for most people to have to have the hybrid battery replaced, but does anyone know if the dealers charge about the same as a regular Prius to replace it? Or if it will be less? Not sure whether I will attempt to get a battery online and have my husband try to replace it when the time comes or go to the dealer. My husband knows how to work on normal cars for the most part but no experience with hybrids.
If u are talking about a bad hybrid battery on a C it should b under warranty. The 12volt battery should b around 300 if u get it from the dealer.
I haven't had an issue with my battery but was just curious about replacing the hybrid battery in future. Of course, in 8 years or so, the prices could be different I suppose.
Considering there are still people with the first gen Prius on original batteries... I wouldn't worry about it until you start hearing actual stories and not just FUD.
Why are you concerned about a battery that may fail after the 8 years or 100000 mile warranty ends? If I had a new Ford I might be worrying about a transmission failure (which costs more than a new battery. If I had a new GM car I might be worrying about whether the car would last longer than the company. Relax and enjoy the car and the gas savings. After eight years you will have saved enough money on gas to pay for a new battery.
It is sad but true that more people will total their c than need a hybrid battery replaced. Since Toyota installs it just below the most protected place in the car, (your child's carseat goes there) many of these batteries will survive to be sold on ebay and in junkyards. 2012 Toyota Prius C Model Hybrid Battery 32K Miles | eBay
I'm not really worried about it. I was just curious as a comparison if it would be more or less expensive or the same.
(Understand that there is no body of fact about this, this is just an opinion) The HV battery in the c has one half the number of cells as the other Prius, so should, in theory, cost half as much.
The battery has fewer cells and a lower capacity, but the c (if it/another hybrid that uses the same battery pack) hasn't existed nearly as long as the liftback. I'm hoping that between increased battery use and more third-party battery refurbishers, in 7-8 years (hopefully longer) battery costs will have dropped dramatically.