Greetings, My wife and I placed our order for an 05 Prius in mid May. We are wondering if there are any other folks using this forum that belong to a San Antonio Prius group. If so, drop me a line. I'd be glad to hear from you. True, we've got a ways to go before we join the other lucky owners out there, but we are hopeful the wait will pass quickly. Until then, we'll watch for an increasing number of Prius drivers on the streets of the Alamo city. Best wishes, Bob Kelley
In most places I wouldn't qualify as your neighbor, but in Texas you're just down the road. I'm interested in a Prius owners group for when my Prius comes in (2 months since I placed my order). Dale 125 mi from SA
Watch for the coming new version of PriusChat that will focus a lot more on helping to organize local clubs.