I'm a SoCal transplant who's been in the valley for 8 years now. Personally, I can't wait to get out - between the backwards politics and dreadful heat. What good is summer if you can't spend it outside? Consider that it takes a full summer to fully acclimate to the heat. Humidity in the summers can "suck", but it's nothing like Northeast summer humidity. We're lucky if we see 55-60% when it's that hot. A monsoon drencher will drop temps down to the 80s or 90s temporarily, which ups RH%. Either way, you'll develop an "air-conditioned" type culture in everything you do where mid-day is about moving from A/C'd location to A/C'd location (house -> car -> grocery-store) as quickly as possible. Winters can't be beat (unless you live in Florida), but that also attracts the Snowbirds - especially to my corner of the valley. If you don't have a garage or covered parking, and aren't one who maintains their vehicle finish religiously, expect the paint on your car to start to crack and wear after 3-4 years. My 2010 already has significant sun damage to the headlight lenses and rear spoiler clear-coat. Rubber items take a beating in the sun too - things like window trim and the like will crack and tear after just a few years of parking outside.
Yep what you say Is true, not based on experience though. My Wife is a ASU graduate and lived in the area for 4 years give or take. She has some relatives in Scottsdale we visit there sometimes. I guess it gets windy there sometimes also. Th original poster was car pooling about 4 hours a Day in his current situation in PA. He could take a company relocation to AZ and get a home close to work. He was considering the move but not sure about the stress of relocation on his wife and 2 small children to a town with no family. He has a Highly specialized occupation and is 40 years old. I believe he dismissed the AZ relocation. Just drinking plenty of caffeine products and making the best of it. His family is his top priority. There is 2 Arizona's. One is true and one is false. The pictures represent both.
Nope, JMD, I'm full on . After a few weeks of thought I let the boss know I want this and am in the process of hounding HR after applying. It's a good situation for my company out there and for me and my boss gets it. I had left the company a few years ago over the commute but I love my job and missed it, building spacecraft. I just have to convince the AZ crew that they really want me as bad as I want it. The decision has been made much easier by PC and all the responses I received so far. Thanks a lot!. Love the pics! That's what I've been trying to convince my wife and I think she gets it. If all goes well, I think we will look around Scottsdale.
Congrats Chris. Happy for you! I'm sure the Phx team wants a grounded guy like you. When you settle down and buy a place look for a home with a Pool. The kids and wife will thank you. You will like it as well. After a long day at work you get home throw on the swim trunks, swim a few laps and cool off and barbecue a few burgers and some chicken. You'll love it. A whole lot better than PA.
Don't ignore Chandler and that region either if your job is in that area. Similar level of affluence and the commute may be better. The commute down the 101 loop otherwise may not be a whole lot of fun. Best thing you can do is spend a week out here. Find an area, then try to drive to your prospective work location during commute time. Just be prepared for the power bill and maintenance requirements that accompany the pool (or hire someone for the latter). Also factor in the homeowner's insurance premium increase. And for pete's sake - ensure it's fenced and whatnot so that your kids or your neighbor's kids don't become statistics. ;-)
Some thoughts from a native - people who move here from snowy places seem to like it here; as you know the grass is greener, etc. But the heat really does wear on you - it has to be the hottest metropolitan area in the US, really. A lot of natives leave; maybe that's why they are hard to find. In my immediately family, half have moved to Cali or the Pacific Northwest in the past 40 years. When my daughter graduated from college she said she couldn't wait to move out of this red state and left. If you have allergies, they will be worse here as the growing season is so long. Please don't get a house with your own pool - nobody uses them after the first couple of years and they just turn in to giant evaporation ponds and this is a desert. Our water comes from the Colorado River on the California border and is pumped uphill using electricity created with the dirtiest coal fired electrical generating plant in the US and ruins the vistas at the grand canyon with it's black smoke so everybody can have their own pool. I'm not trying to dissuade you from coming - you can have my spot. My husband is waiting for me to retire so we can leave too.
Every city and situation has it's challenges. No such thing as perfect. California has it's problems, highest unemployment in the nation, lousy schools, expensive houses and high taxes. Pacific Northwest it's always raining, transplants get so depressed they have the highest regional suicide rates. Phoenix is a city of opportunity and sure it gets hot, but PA in the winter is so cold it's unbearable. Life is a mater of attitude, you need to look for the good in things to appreciate it. No one said owning a Pool is free, it a matter of how you want to recreate your free time. Solar can reduce power costs and a pool cover can lower evaporation. I live in a community Where 1,050 homes pay a $108 HOA and we have a private almost Olympic sized pool, trails, clubhouse, gym, groomed common srea, parks, all only for members. However the pool is a community pool and not in my back yard. Kids swam in the pool every day in summer when they were young. Now lucky if we see the pool a few weekends here or there. Perhaps that is a less expensive choice if you want a Pool but want to avoid the maintenance and liability.
Re: CA unemployment, I haven't checked regularly (until your post prompted me to) but I know CA's is normally pretty bad and amongst the worst. I'm surprised to learn that as of right now (per Unemployment Rates for States), it is tied w/RI for being the worst now. Yep on the expensive houses and high taxes. Schools are definitely hit/miss depending on the area w/some notoriously bad.
JMD don't jinx me yet! Still trying to get management to officially buy off. Didn't want to even pursue the thought if we had any reservations. I really do appreciate all the input and support though. I have a townhouse style condo and we pay almost $80 each month. We have no pool, playground, clubhouse... nothing, and we get to mow our own lawn and shovel our snow. I'd love to pay $108 for all the actual amenities!! I agree every place has its good and bad though. I'd love a pool and so would the kids but if all progresses, we would look for a place with a neighborhood pool, playground, etc. We would rent a place first to see what the area is like. I hadn't thought of the allergies. I guess with little rain, it gets pretty bad? We get it in the spring terribly but everything blooming almost makes it worth it. Who would've thought so much farming in the desert? I was surprised when I read about that in my research.
The saga continues. I'll relocate at the end of the summer for a lateral position. Thanks again everyone for the advice and insight, this forum really helped immensely in making our decisions.
Congrats Chris ! You will enjoy Phoenix. Great city. The wife and kids will have a great time. I'm sure a few weekend trips exploring the Southwest USA is in your future.
We do have a ton of exploring planned and I can't wait to ride around and see the West up close. I'm very pleased how well the car did driving across from PA. Even loaded up, with the 17's and rolling 70-75, I still ended up at about 45mpg at the pump. I got a screw in a tire in Amarillo and hit up a Discount Tire. I bought the rims online from them last summer but not the tires and yet they still patched the tire for free! Aside from that, it was a nice ride. I detoured through Flagstaff and then spent a day cruising the mountains around Sedona, wow. I have no gripes at all about the car. Even loaded up, the 17's and rolling 70-75 I still got just under 45 mpg at the pump. So we've been in AZ for a couple weeks now and so far loving it, but we have yet to see the summer! We found a great place in a neighborhood with tons of things for the kids to do. They're loving the area, the school and the pool and I'm loving that I now burn a tank every 3-4 weeks versus every 2 days!!