I love my Prius. But I'd love it even more if it weren't for the Gasser Laws of Prius. They go like this: If you are a gasser, 1) ALWAYS pass EVERY Prius you encounter because, obviously, the Prius will only be in your way. 2) If you can't pass the Prius, tailgate it. This way you can pass it as soon as traffic opens up. 3) If you encounter a Prius that goes faster than the posted speed limit, pass it anyway. It's still a Prius. 4) If you have a Prius next to you at a red light, show the Prius how much faster you are when the light turns green. The Prius driver will be very impressed. 5) If you encounter a Prius in a residential zone and it is obviously on electric power, going the speed limit, tailgate it and honk at it. 6) Make sure t always mock Prius owners. Those poor saps obviously do not know that in a real car, you step on the gas to quickly accelerate your 4,500 pound vehicle to full speed, then slam on the brakes to burn off that speed. 7) Always assume every Prius owner is one of them damn liberals. Can you add any gasser laws?
Looks to me like you worry way too much about what others think about you. Let them go. If you try to keep up, you lose gas mileage and they lose their masculinity. Lose/Lose. I was too busy hugging trees to think of any gasser laws, sorry.
People actually do that. I cut them down and they grow back. Nothing like a loaded logging truck filling the rear view.
You'll be a lot happier when you learn the Prius Tao: The rear view mirror is your friend, almost as important as the front windshield. Change lanes so over taking traffic can pass illegally in the lane they will not leave. Look for existing slow traffic, trailers, moving vans, e.t.c., and use them for cover. O-30 mph, Prius are sneaky fast, especially if the engine is off at a traffic light. It is always better to give an ulcer than receive. Bob Wilson
That's has be be the way people see my Prius. What they don't know is that I too like to drive like an idiot . I just do it in my 677hp 91 Mustang..
Turn left directly in front of oncoming Prius. They drive too slow to hit you anyway. I learned this Gasser Law this afternoon.
$70 on eBay. Information at link below. I've only had it two weeks and so far, I am very impressed. It's the successor to the DVR-027 that a lot of Russian YouTube dashcam videos use. DVR-207 | Dash Cam Talk
We have two Prius and I have wanted a dashcam for awhile. This model came up and I decided to get a pair: HD 2 3 Car DVR Cam Dash Vehicle Recorder 30 FPS Dual Camera Support GPS G Sensor | eBay What triggered my purchase: 85C working environment - cars get hot in Alabama 140 degree lense - important for coverage both front and back GPS G-sensor password protection Mac and Windows capable It does not claim a night-vision capability but I'm not terribly worried about that. I may regret it but the other functions are so strong, I'm ready to give it a try. I plan to mount it high, in the center of the roof using the overhead light fixture. This should give good coverage both forward and back. We'll see. I should get it the second week of June. We'll let you' all know how it works out. Bob Wilson
Sorry for diverging this thread further but I am really interested in your mounting location. The black polka dots around the rear view mirror prevent me from installing mine in a high out of the way location. My dashcam isn't large but its current location is distracting.
This was just an experiment: Using an iPhone app, mounted on the passenger sun-screen, it was to get an idea of how it might work out: Hi and angled down, I have reasonable coverage including seeing the speedometer reading. Notice I also caught a little of the driver-side, rear view in the mirror. So my thinking is mounted on the roof, somewhat between the driver and passenger, I should get not only the front but also parts of the mirrors for some side coverage. Meanwhile the rear camera will handle following traffic. With the GPS mouse mounted near the sun-screen base, it should give pretty much everything I'm after. I appreciate the Android approach but I'm not ready to dip my toe in that family, yet. I'm after dedicated device, installed in the car with a minimum of operator intervention. Bob Wilson
8) if you are a Virginia Republican in elected office, don't get mad at Prius owners...get even: Tax the living %*!!@# out of them.
I always thought that "gasser" was a pejorative term that the EV crowd used to describe us unwashed Philistines and other Earth hating Luddites who still use the ICE for locomotion. Uh..... don't most Priuses burn..... Gasoline? Maybe with a dash or two of alky? I'd give up the hate and just try to enjoy the ride when and where I could. Ten submarine patrols have really reenforced my personal belief that there's REALLY not that much stuff on dry land that's worth running your sweat pumps over.....but that's just me.
It may just be because I am old, but I was thinking Gasser was the entry level of drag racing. Gasser (car) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Priuseses are so commonplace in SoCal that I don't think these apply. I counted eight in our museum parking lot just the other day. You can line up three or four of us in a row on the freeway. CARAVAN!
I am slowly seeing more Gen 3 and Gen 2 Prius here in MS, c and v are rare. I doubt there is a Plug In.
OT, but glad to see some people with dash cams. On my C I mounted the cam right under the rear view mirror, doesn't really get in the way there. Using a cheap no-name camera myself, will definitely do more research next time, can get something decent for just a few bucks more. The important thing is that it does work and provide some extra security...though it's night capture is horrific.