Hi all...I pretty much have my car all setup now, but one thing that I have not been able to do is receive text messages to where it will display on the in dash screen. I have the Solar Package / Premium Navigation system. As for my Phone, I have the Galaxy Note II with Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) and AT&T. My phone still receives texts while connected to the car's blue tooth, and I can view on my phone, but I'm unable to view on the in dash display, which means I can'rt send out the quick replies either. Is there something in the phone that I need to set up? Thanks!
Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. Reading a text message, no matter whether on a phone or on a different screen, is not safe to do while driving. Just let the messages wait till you're done driving. Having the messages on the screen in the car would be too much temptation. It's just not safe.
I have the Galaxy II as well (international model GT-I1900). My texts didn't work on the car display until I upgraded to JellyBean. They work very well since then. Other than upgrading to JB, I didn't change anything on the car or on the phone. I'm mystified, unless it's caused by some carrier function. I'm on T-Mobile.
So true. Crazy they built that into a car info screen as it provides instant distraction to take driver's eyes off the road. Like to see that legislated out of cars, even on the phones, have txting disabled based on movement. Over 10 mph texting on phones is off. It should be banned completely from car systems.
I agree....that it's a blessing in disguise. It's a feature that if it doesn't work, I'm not going to worry about it. Everything else works great. I never text and drive anyways.
What I've noticed is that while in motion, the text message feature just shows the caller ID information on the nav screen just like an incoming call, and allows sending various preconfigured responses by selecting them on the screen. The main feature is that the Prius can speak the text message out load through the audio system. When this feature is used with other options like Google Now, Samsung S-Voice, and Apple Siri, which are available on the handsets, one can have a hands free experience. You need the bluetooth MAP profile for the text message thing to work with the Prius. Check the Setup/Bluetooth/Registered Devices/Details and select your phone. If you don't see 'MAP' in the list of profiles, then it won't work. I'm sure you have untethered and deleted the phone from the Prius, and deleted the Prius from the phone and re-paired them over bluetooth? If not, give it a try. The Note II should be able to do the MAP bluetooth profile with the Prius. GT-P7310 ? HD