Ah nevermind. Don't really have a question now cause not ready to spend for high end seat covers or Katskinz, etc... I tried a $70 leather one size fits all by Interiors By Masque in Black and just switched to light gray. Will post mini review in Mods section.
I had Softex in my 2012 Five before I traded it in for the PIP (with fabric seats ), in the six months I used the car- the Softex was easy to clean, very comfortable and still looked like brand new when I turned the car in. I can't imagine any aftermarket seat covering performing better than the Softex did.
Whenever youre ready, do like Hawaiianbuilt did and get some clazzios. You can choose leather or PVC, and also buy material from them by the yard to wrap door panels and center console. Cheaper than katskinz and you don't have to remove current seat covers or deal with hog clips!
My previous car had real leather seats, and honestly, I feel the softex is better. It's so much more comfortable and easy to maintain. My only concern is that softex in general is fairly new, so there is no data on how the seats will perform 6-10 years down the road.
As a Mechanic with family, I had the cloth seat covers changed out with solid leather before taking possession of my new car. Was a wise move. During my last visit to the Dealership, I checked out the Softex in the new Prius and determined it would not hold up to my demands. YMMV if use is less demanding, but I choose solid leather hands down.