I haven't updated the navigation maps for my Prius 2010 since shortly after I bought it in July 2009. (I had problems with the system and they ended up replacing the whole unit and included the updated DVD.) What is the latest release of the maps and how much does it cost?
Here is the e-mail i got from Toyota on maps update: NAVIGATION MAP UPDATE $169* MSRP V.12.1 map (2012 Version) Maps for Model Year 2012 vehicles equipped with Entune will be available after Jan 2013.
Thanks. Yes, I think I got that email too. Their map updates are ridiculously expensive - that's the price of my brand new Garmin Nuvii with free lifetime updates. And I really don't want to pay that much for an outdated version. I was wondering if there is a 2013 update.
Lol yeah It is quite expensive. Toyota should give free updates! However you can find cheaper ones online around $50.
Toyota comes out with new updates each year in the September/October time frame. So the 2013 revision will be out in a few months.
I know it is more expensive than it should be but I upgraded my original 8.1version to 11.1 in 2011 and they had updated all of the recent highways and neighborhoods that I was interested in NC. Toyota does an annual state-by-state update document each year. Your dealer should be able to get you these documents to review befor deciding.