MARYLAND As posted here a few months ago, Maryland had suspended its original plug-in incentive up to $2000 sales (excise) tax credit for a Plug-In such as PiP (program ended March 16 2013). But the good news is, it appears Maryland has passed new plug-in incentives program for up to $1000 excise tax credit ($600 for Plug-in Prius PiP). It is not clear to me when the new credit kicks in, but sounds like some PiP owners here may be getting the new credit already. VIRGINIA This is the last time I will post the tips for Virginians. Our new higher auto registration fees and $64/yr hybrid and plug-in fees go into effect on or about July-1 2013. So there is still a little more time to register your car on-line ( for up to 3-yrs in advance at the current lower rates, to avoid the new fees. I did this for my Prius, but you have to be 6 months or less away from your re-registration due date to do this. Also if you a buying a new hybrid or plug-in in VA you still can do this to save a few hundred bucks, but time is running out.