Hello, Does anyone know how to get the trip summary to display at the end of a trip? I thought it might be pressing the brake, but that does not always seem to work? It seems to be random, and I am trying to do some experiments for the best routes... Thanks,
For the GenIII Prius, the trip summary displays on the Multi Function Display for about 10 seconds after pressing the Power button at the end of your trip.
The PC displays for almost a minute after shutdown, or until you hit the door lock button... whichever comes first.
Worse case... if you hit the power button twice with your foot off the brake (sorry, I can never remember which mode this is, but I know it's not ready mode) you can cycle through the MFD and see your last trips results.
Hi Laurea, I think it might be due to your sequence of shutdown. You have to shift to park first before pressing the power button. If you reverse the sequence, the trip summary will not show up. The trip summary is kept until your next READY. So, at the start of your next trip, if you don't put your foot on the brake and press the power button twice, the car in in Ign-on mode and you can still access your trip summary. Once you're in READY, the trip summary reset and begins a new trip calculation. Vincent