Having computer issues connecting to PC but remembered my iPad is not just for music storage! My Prius woke up with an orange warning triangle when I needed to go to work... My SO (yes, it is official) offered to run a scan to see what was up and cleared the codes... No more incidents. My sons were out for a visit in stereo... Oldest en route for an electrical job in Nantucket; youngest out for a visit from LA after getting hit on his bike by a lady in a Mercedes who was ready to drive away but witnesses stopped her. Both are well, thank God! I have been practicing target shooting with a new compound bow, transported a coyote harvest [not mine] to the taxidermist in my Prius (no forensic evidence left behind with a legal harvest), fishing, waiting to hear good news on my short sale purchase, and finally feeling like life did not forget me. SO is awesome... Sometimes you need to go through the tough stuff to find a gem. ;-) Be well!
And I let my oldest son drive my Prius... He loved it (he had the 1994 Corolla) but I should have been sedated since he wanted more beach time to pursue a young lady... Next to my sons and one miniature horse my Prius ranked. ;-)
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear things are going well. Um, what's "official" about the SO? That he is one? That he is significant?
Sorry to know the accident of your son. Glad that he and the other side was well. Hit and run(or at least try) is the worst act of some drivers. Sad it's keep happening. Nice to know your full of fun life. Happy for your short sale event. So keep enjoying life, being good with all the family members. Everybody knows the goodness of your Prius now. Give it a good maintenance to have a long trouble free life.
In a few weeks the Prius goes in for the 10k "well baby" visit... Hard to believe I am almost ready to roll another digit! Short sale is still being negotiated. Wish me luck!
Hey, let's back up a minute. What were the codes? This is like the letter from camp: I'm fine. The stitches come out tomorrow.