I've had a fondness for Classic & older cars such as cars made in the 40's, 50's and early 60's. Cars such as the old Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Datsun, and thereabouts. I respect those older cars and at the moment drive an Olds Eighty Eight (with White Walls) that I take good care of and plan to drive until it dies. I am very old fashioned and prefer these vehicles. Even though I love this era of cars, and this type of car, they simply don't build them like they used to. I've found you've got to go to the hybrid vehicles and EV's to get the awesome build quality, quietness, reliability, longevity, easy maintenance, and etc that used to be common in the old days. Not to mention gasoline isn't $0.25 a gallon anymore. Additionally, I enjoy the styling of the good old days but I understand that the Prius isn't too fancy and or old for that matter. Nevertheless, when I eventually purchase a Prius C I'd like to put White Walls on it. I don't think I'll use full classic white walls, but probably Uniroyal Tiger Paw White Walls. They have a white strip about an inch thick rather than white over most of the sidewall, such as traditional White Walls. But, I may decide to go with traditional White Walls, Coker Classic White Walls or something along those lines. Do you think a Prius C could pull off White Walls (1 inch or Classic)? Would it be better if I got a White Prius C so the White Walls would match? Or would it be better as a Black Prius C? Which color would help to make the White Walls work out any better. If not, would a normal Prius (the ordinary full size Prius) be better off for White Walls. I'm trying to balance hi-tech & modern with classic & 50s era. I appreciate your input. Thanks.
What the hey! Why not grace your c with the contemporary version of white walls?. Bridgestone offers custom printed sidewalls. LRR? Read more: Bridgestone Present Printed Tires | 1 Design Per Day
I don't know if I care much for these designs. I'm not really trying to be flashy, only classic/50's era styling. At least you could tell them you want a pure white graphic on the side wall, that would make a White Wall tire for you.
Can you even find whitewalls in Prius size tires? If you can can you get them in a Low Rolling Resistance tire? The old add-on white walls don't work very well with low profile tires, so that probably won't work either. portawalls Why not just wear some of these for the retro look and leave the tires stock?
The Prius C takes a tire size of "P175/65R15 84H", so as I understand it I've got to find a company that makes White Walls in that size.
I did a quick search and the closest I could finds was BF Goodrich 1 3/4 Inch Whitewall - 185/65R15 - Narrow Whitewall - Radial Tires - Tire Styles That would work. It won't be an LRR tire so you will most likely lose 3 to 4 mpg on top of paying over double what you would be for a better black wall tire.
white walls are for cars made in the 60s and 70s, maybe early 80s, anything newer with white walls would just look silly imo
I do like white lettering on black wall tires though. That might be something I get a can of plastidip for.
Their are products made for making the lettering on tires white. Mr. Gasket White Tire Marker - JEGS I have also seen a marker system that looks like a fat ball point pen with paint in it.
Go for it and let us know how it works. It just might work better than the 40 year old paint stick method.
I'll just have to scrub the black off the tires from when I painted the wheels first... God I'm lazy...