In case your Jeep isn't wasting enough fuel already... What Does This Insanely Awesome Button Do? - KickingTires Apologies if this thread doesn't belong here, just thought this audience might find it interesting.
Alright! Cool!!! That way they can get to next light way before I can in the PiP so they can slam on the brakes hard and stop so they can waste more gas while I get there just as the light turns green and keep going! WOW! I have to throw them the peace sign and see if they give me half of it back...
We need to appreciate these guys. They willingly sacrifice to help keep Exxon, Shell, BP, etc. in business so we can top off our tank every month or two! iPad ? HD
We have that button too, it's called 'PWR MODE' Bonus points for us, as we get to unleash a hive of angry africanized bees the second we mash that pedal (that's what the sound is coming from underneath the hood, right guys?!)
Yeah, these guys are not all bad. There are lots of traffic lights triggered green by magnetic actuators in the ground. Just let 'em race up to the red light, slam on the brakes, and when you have the timing delay of lights down on your route, they will have triggered the light green just in time for you to cruise through without any braking.
I've never been much of a Dodge fan, but I do admit that they build some really cool cars and trucks! A five thousand pound SUV that has 470BHP, can get to sixty in less than 4.5 seconds, and actually looks like it wasn't punched out of the same jelly-bean shaped mold that many of the other "new" cars are? Oh yeah! The only thing that I could think of to add to this package would be a user-defeatable traction control button (and indeed it may already have one .) If you have to ask really need to be driving a Prius. Now....... If the folks in Aichi could only talk to the folks in Auburn Hills Michigan maybe someday we could get a 2-seat, RWD, drop-top Prius that still gets most of 50-MPG and actually looks and drives like a car instead of just a stodgy transportation appliance-----OR-----maybe a Jeep or a Muscle car that gets closer to Prius-like gas mileage.
So I take everyone in Los Angeles will buy one these because they fear someone will get in front of them at the next red light. What a waste of resources.
Which would probably be useful to me about 2 or 3 times a month. And the other 1000-2000 times a month that I accelerate from 0 to anything I wouldn't care. Mike
^ 'Preciate it.... That's why I like it so much here. Everywhere else I'm regarded as a (adjectives redacted) leftist.