The title says it all. I'm not sure whether or not I should pick up a set of winter tires. Living in NYC we do get the occasional bad snowstorm but if I had to guess there is probably snow on the ground only for ten or twelve days out of the year. Is it worth the 800 bucks for xi3s mounted on their own set of steel rims? Then I have to deal with the damn tpms thing, which if I can't fix myself I will probably ignore the light for 4 months out of the year. Any advice is appreciated.
I went through many NYC winter with my previous 2006 Prius (now PiP) with all-season tires. The roads get plowed quickly so there was no need for snow tires, at least for me.
All season tires should be good enough for NYC, especially the Nokian WRg2 which can match many winter tires for snow/ice traction. They are also LRR rated and will improve your MPG. JeffD
I would not bother with snow tires in NYC - I never had them all of the years that I lived in Boston. I guess the one exception would be if you happen to need to drive in a really hilly area or have a long and steep driveway and need the traction.
You don't need winter tires in NYC; I don't have them in Alberta where winter is 8-months out of 12 I'll use Tire Traction Aid in worse case scenario (but I never had to yet); Prius handle much better in winter than my old RWD Volvo. Motomaster Tire Traction Aid | Canadian Tire
Depends on whether you venture out of Manhattan, especially northwest to northeast where the snow tends to be heavier and slower to be removed.
I live in the bronx, I probably should change that because most non new yorkers think nyc is strictly manhattan.
I have never felt the need for snow tires. If it snows bad enough, I'll take my wife's Explorer to work or stay home...