Getting the Motorola phone to link with the MFD was painless, and the total handsfree experience is great, after years of driving around one-handed with a cell phone clamped to your head. But I was expecting the phone audio to come over ALL the car speakers, not just the one in the left front pillar post by the driver. Is there a hidden menu setting to tweak for all speakers, or is the single speaker the only way it works. Thanks for your help!
So, they moved the BT sound to the tweeter in the 2006, did they? Smart choice. In the 2004/2005, it is the lower speaker that is used.
would someone mind helping me on this website. I need to post problems I'm having with the bluetooth sound quality and Motorola Razor address upload. I have seen some posts saying that the sound quality is awful, but is there anything I can do to improve it? Is there any way to upload the address book from the razor other than one number at a time? With the Sony Erickson I had I was able to upload with one fell swoop. Had I realized that I couldn't do that with the new Razor I wouldn't have erased the original phone book. HELP! Suzie