Does anyone have a recommendation on a good car wash product for bug removal? I have a Blizzard Pearl Prius Four and just got back from quite a long road trip, taking out half of the mosquito population in North Central Nebraska by the looks of the front of my car. Previously, it seemed like the bugs were tough to scrub off by hand, so I tried taking it to a manual car wash and power spraying them off, but there's still quite a bit of stuff left for me to eventually wash by hand. I didn't know if there was a product that helped really break that type of stuff down. Thanks in advance!
I usually wait for a time when it's rained for several hours at least- it helps soften em up... then use one of those sponges with the quilted cover and regular car wash soap. The rain pre-soak is the most important step in the process- because the sun seems to bake them on pretty well. I actually go out when it's still raining to wash them off...
If you wash your car manually by hand, those bugs should come off. I have the Prius IV 2012 Blizzard Pearl as well. Killed many bugs going through Salinas and Marin, I wash them off with soap and use a long brush with hand scrub. Came off with no problem. rinse with water, wash with car soap, and dry it afterwards.
Look into Tarminator. I have used it on tar and it works very well. It's also supposed to work on bugs. Waxing the car should help future removal.
Getting them off asap is most important. Bugs and bird crap will ruin the clearcoat. Best to keep a small bottle of water and a MF towel and a good cleaner handy. I use this just for quick cleaning of spots, Chemical Guys CWS_104_16 - Bug & Tar Heavy Duty Car Wash Shampoo
Nothing above and beyond the regular waxing- that's why I like to wait for a rainy day to remove the bug buildup- no damaging chemicals needed- just rainwater and regular car wash soap.
Some places, like where I live, don't get rain frequently enough to wait. Bug, tar remover usually removes wax as well, so follow with wax application. My humble opinion. SCH-R530M ? 2
Haven't tried it, but one poster here a few weeks ago said to try a dryer softening sheet. Said it works like magic.
Clay bar for bugs (after you wash the bug pieces off) and Zaino for polish. That works for me. Zaino Store
I've had Simoniz "Glasscoat" on my "v" for 10 months, now. I didn't have it put on from the dealer with the outrageously expensive warranty, which is 60% of the cost and 20% goint to the dealer. While it states that it is not to be sold without the warranty, I bought a couple of bottles off of eBay. I have no problems "rubbing" the bugs off with a sponge and water with a carwash liquid. I'm sold on the stuff. But, $500 plus to too much. Glasscoat goes on extremely easy and levels easily with a micro fiber cloth.
Soak several large towels with water and spread them on the front of your Prius. After 15 minutes, the bugs will be easy to remove. This method will not damage your paint. A good product for bug removal is BugSlide. You can apply it to almost all surfaces, and it provides a protective coating that will not yellow or buildup.
I heard a tip from a private pilot that a bowl of water with dryer sheets soaked in it does wonders for bug removal. I tried it and have used it ever since! Super cheap and it does not harm the paint. Just let the dryer sheets soak in the water for a few mins then gently scrub away the bugs using the dryer sheets. iPad ? HD