Leaving for the Gym this morning I noticed my HSI only read 100mpge. Which was disappointing as I had been charging quite a bit in the last few days.........then something astounding happened, after coming home and going to the shopping center, my mpg was suddenly 145 MPGe Then during the approximate next 8 miles, it jumped to 175mpge. This while traveling at 35 to 40 mph in cruise control. In fact, the car was regenerating with the fan on low, set to 60 degrees, In CC. So, either the car had never worked quite right before, or the computer system is now totally berserk. I am saddened to believe it is the Latter. However there are some nice bragging rights involved. Next I fully expect my gas tank to start regenerating. Should the HSI reach infinite I'll let you'll know! ((. See Post. # 34. ))
Note that the display reads in MPG, not MPGe. It is not taking into account any battery kwh. What you describe could be berzerk...or quite normal. It depends on how many miles the mpg was based on. Mike
Right, I am not using MPGe in its usual definition , butonlyas it pertains to the HSI on the PIP, it being a combination of ICE and EV. I don't know what else to call it. BEZIRKIAN?
If you were operating in the EV mode the whole time and for one of the various known reasons the ICE came on during your trip to the gym then the 100 mpg makes sense. I have exactly that "problem" if I forget to use neutral going down my long hill. You are still in EV but the ICE runs until the coolant temp reaches 130 degrees. Then leaving the gym in EV your mpg will increase as you add more EV miles to your trip.
I returned from Reno on the 30th, but I am not sure of the relevance. This has never happened before. Anyway, am over 200mpg (T). Now.
And the Consumption is miles per gallon of gas without any consideration for how much electricity was, or was not, used. It will read 999mpg until such time as enough gas is used to produce a mpg lower than 999.
I assume everybody understands that this is the HSI. AVERAGE MPG. I agree that 999 for a short trip is pretty normal. Generally the. HSI. AVERAGE MPG is 100 to 130 and further build-up is somewhat slow, over a period of days. As one can see increase in mpg very rapid, just look at the timeframe. I just realized I inadvertently reset Trip A. And the temperatures are more consistently hotter. So those two things may be the result of this unusual HSI READINGS. Is anybody else experiencing this driving mostly in EV, charging daily, in semi- arid desert environment. Ie: California. Or hotter?
I have about a 1000 miles on this tank of gas, on a good day I get about 16 miles of all EV and my MPG is going up about 10 MPG a day. I am sure as I get more miles on this tank the MPG will go up slower.
You misconscrewed what I was attempting to say. HSI. MPG is the subject : Each time I travel in pure EV ......for every 1 mile I travel I gain a ADDITIONAL 6 mpg. I made a ratio up to see if it holds true in the future. As you also elucidated in a previous post on this thread. See Post 12