I note that after washing the car that the leading edge of the roof where it meets the top of the windshield sticks up enough to catch all sorts of bugs. In fact there were more there than on the windscreen itself, no doubt they glanced off the glass and ended up there. Seems to me that a piece of molding in the shape of a "T" would work well to fill that crack and smooth the airflow OR I may cut a strip of Venture Shield Clear Bra material and cover that gap with it. If that roof edge is catching bugs, it's also sticking UP and causing aero drag, how much is anyone's guess but I need to cover mine with something. If nothing else I won't be cleaning bug guts off the paint in that area! ES44AC
Hiya attyjeff, Seems odd that all the work Toy0ta went to to make the car slippery in the air, they missed that little detail! ES44AC
I know, that is the first thing that annoyed me with this car. I am not sure what to do about it, but it is pain in the neck to clean. I would imagine adding anything up there to hopefully eliminate that problem would be a bit funny looking.
HI Rupert, My solution would be" 1/ Find a piece of weatherstrip or a trim piece that has a "T" profile, and if there is enough depth, insert the lower part of the "T" into the crack between the glass and roof. Preferably a black strip wouldn't be that noticeable. It would need to fit flush to be effective. 2/ Or use a piece of invisible bra material and apply to across the crack. Since the stuff is clear you won't see it. The most visible thing would be a line on the glass where the vinyl material stops. Again, in either case if YOU will always see it but unless you point it out to someone, I doubt anyone would be the wiser! Regards, ES44AC