Nah, dude, the whole column literally points to the left. (wheels turned, would have stated steering wheel 'turned') Slide seat all way back, look down at face of steering wheel vs. front edge of seat, bingo. Tall guy sets c seat back and down and sandpaper textured steering wheel appears as though it belongs in another car due to its position, I say 'foul'.
Not sure what you're talking about regarding the steering column. Mine looks fine. Anybody else? Perhaps your spine is out of alignment
Maybe your seat is coming off the track? Most cars require you to pull it all the way back to remove them, could be it went to far on one side.
That doesn't really help as your ruler isn't aligned with the seams on the seat. So it's going to look misleading, even if it wasn't off. I'm not saying your car isn't off, but you are creating an optical illusion by doing it the way you just did.
I went out and looked at mine last night with the measuring string. It's not just the steering wheel that is off. The steering wheel has a very slight tilt left. What exasperates this is that the seat has a slight tilt to the right. The right of the steering wheel sticks out less than an inch farther than the left. The left front of the seat sticks out ~half an inch farther than the right. The weird part was that the seat back was the opposite. The bolsters on the right side of the seat back stuck out about an inch farther than the left... Not sure why they did this, but it brings a twisting motion to my mind just looking at it. As an FYI, I have my seat in the middle of just about every setting, so this may be worse in other locations. My steering wheel is all the way down, as well. I hate that you showed this to me... it won't be an issue for me, but now I know it's there.
All I know is the drivers seat is a lot more comfortable than a bunch of other sub compacts I have driven. I don't care if its not square to the wheel IMO.
Ztanos.... Should've left it alone if it didn't bother you. Now you have a little thorn in your side every time you think about it BTW my hubcaps are hideous. Just throwing that out there Galaxy Nexus ? 2