when you lock the car, the mirrors fold unlock, then open automatically: I ordered this kit from yahoo japan and DIY Price is about 2400yen (excluded shipping) quite simple kit for DIY, I spent 45mins to do. For a second time installation, I think can finish less than 30mins. The other toy is Headlight LED the set is about 10000yen when you lock/unlock the car, the headlight LED runs in this pattern, and it always on as day light LED when you drive: There are 4 patterns for the LED, official demo: Thanks for watching!
Hi all, I bought them from yahoo auction japan. the links are as follow: door lock folding mirror kit: アクア NHP10 ドアミラー自動格納キット メール便対応 /28-1 - Yahoo!オークション - ヤフオク! For the Amon LED kit, as it is quite new, yahoo auction japan has not yet sold this LED. Can only find on yahoo shopping japan: search "amon 2916" in yahoo shopping japan. You'll find some shops selling it. And search "amon 2850" for the controller. For other small parts, they are not really needed originally from Amon. 2 pieces of 12Vfuses, and some cable adapters only. Can be replaced by any others. Only the LED lights and the controller is the most important! Please use the following referral link to apply the account on "fromjapan.co.jp". They help you to ship overseas with quite a cheap shipping cost! Purchasing Japanese items and delivering straight to your door!|FROM JAPAN LIMITED They provide english interface to help you bid and buy from japan online shops! For any problem, please feel free to contact me!
Very interested in the mirror gadget, but how does it work? I don't recall my mirrors having motors built in. Is the motor present in the 4 trim?? Or am I just missing something? Galaxy Nexus ? 2
I believe this is a mod for those that already have power folding mirrors. Which all of us in the North America market are unfortunate enough to not have.
Hi Nel, I am surprised that there is no power folding mirrors in US Prius C. Our Hong Kong version is just same as Japan version, come with power folding mirror. So just add the kit then it will cope with the power folding mirror while your lock/unlock the car. If you don't have the motor in the mirror, I'm sorry to tell you cannot add the kit.
That's wonder how it works too specially the lock that prevent the mirror to no be fold/unfold loose like crazy.
Cool to have, but not sure how useful it is. The main reason I like folding side mirrors is so that I can squeeze through a tight spot. Do auto folding work while driving?
Somewhere I saw a car that had both folding like this and adjustable height suspension that would lower the frame almost to the ground when it was shut off. It made the car look almost like it was sleeping when it was off. It would be amusing to see a car "wake up" by raising off the ground, unfolding its mirrors, and running the LED lights like what's in the video in the original post.
Is there any word about ordering the lights. I found a website, in Japanese, but they deliver by courier and that won't exactly work trying to get it state side.