Some time ago I was driving my father on the freeway in the Prius. I was in the far right lane. To my right was a l-o-n-g turnoff lane for the next exit. To my left was a pickup. The front bumper of the truck was just about in line with my rear bumper. The pickup suddenly accelerated and shot in front of me, ending up in the turnoff lane. There was no other cars around. They could've just taken their foot of the gas for a second or so and then slip over. My father asked me, "Why did they do that?" I answered, "What? Actually be behind a Prius?"
Yes, I know about the south as I live in S FL. I actually work in a rural high school and many of the students wear confederate flag shirts, pin, hats, etc. to school. I don't usually tell people I'm from CT. I just say I've been in FL for a long time. Of course all our vehicles have FL plates, which helps. I would not be real comfortable in some of the deep south states even with FL plates.
Sweet, another sportbike rider! What kind of bike do you have? I've got a 02 Yamaha YZF600R, going to a 06 R1
Nice! 2001 ZX7R (pic. in profile) ooof, '06 R1??? Niiiiiiiiiice.... Won't be too long before I'll be shopping for another one, and the R1 is a definite possibility... Prius owners with sportbikes, not something you come across everyday....
Well, I'm still hunting down a 06 pkg. 5 or 6 Prius. I'm just waiting to sell my 600r first, then I'll get a R1. Right now I drive an Evo, pretty dam fun, but I haven't got a ticket yet. I hate getting harrased by the cops when I'm the Evo, or on the bike. Stereotyping! :angry:
I drive a F250, and 130miles of tollway each day, commuting 5 days a week. I see it all.. The last two days, I've come behind a couple different vehicles in the left lane doing about 25mph underflow. In this case, one was a minivan the other an older junker of a car. In both cases when I went around them, it seemed the pilot of the vehicle was not native to our land.... and apparently does not have a driver license, or just doesn't understand the system and somehow got past the DL exam. It wouldn't matter if I was in a yugo, semi, or f250, there are just a lot of stupid people on the road. I'm not sure if they are just ignorant of what's going on and how things are supposed to work, or if they are just 'stupid' as in... doing it on purpose to be an a-hole to the rest of traffic. I'd say these last two were the ignorant version of stupid which is just as dangerous as the stupid version of stupid. To everyone: Don't be either.... My Prius is supposed to be here in the next 1 to 3 weeks.
I don't think we can generalize about mini-van drivers, SUV, or pick-up drivers. Lets just say that when many people get behind the wheel (especially men), testosterone takes over and they have no control over their actions Andy
yeah that's one bad thing- we still have wisconsin license plates. we've heard an assortment of things from "go home you f***ing yankee" to indistinguishable drunken swearing shouted out the windows of various (larger) vehicles flying by us and/or trying to run us off the road. it's not as bad in the city, but you get 5 mi out of town and watch out. and my mom says she'd proudly come down here and tell everyone that she's a yankee. i told her "you just don't get how bad it is. you learn to keep your mouth shut. and if you can't keep your mouth shut, please don't do it while i'm around."
I tell you, luckily I live on Long Island so we don't have too many red necks to deal with . Just your typcial white trash which seem quite plentiful. My solution is quite simple, I drive with the flow and never seem to have any issues. Unfortunately I have noticed a trend lately which shows that the average speed on the highway is increasing. Most folks really don't know how to drive carefully so at 75 with the flow, I am a bit nervous to say the least. As much as I hate to admit it, going with the flow is safer than going slower than everyone around you.