My sat radio says No Signal. Sirius checked it out and said everything was fine on their end. I checked the antenna and it is OK. I am thinking there may be a problem where the antenna connects to the Satellite box but I don't know where they store it to check it. Under the seat?? Under the trunk?? Behind the dash??
Please provide Model Year, what Gen Prius, what flavor prius (c, v, PiP), and trim level. Also, let us know if the radio is OEM. That will help us help you.
I have a 2011 Five . Has all upgrades except no solar roof. Radio is factory installed with navigation.
Ok, I think you have a Gen III 2011 Five. This the Prius v (wagon) forum. Search Results for Query: anten* | PriusChat Good link with pics here: Commandeer Sirius antenna? | PriusChat Enjoy.
If you are still under Warranty, swing by the dealer. Let them fix it. If not, log into Toyota Information Service and download the appropriate manual for your car. Cost is $15 bucks for 48 hrs access! Here is the URL... TIS