The look of the Prius is substantially because of the low coefficient of friction design that allows her to slip through the air so efficiently. Unlike your buddy, I count the aerodynamic shape of the Prius as part of her design beauty.
Hi mad-dog-one, Yup I agree its form and function in one package. I've tried to explain it to him but he doesn't want to hear it. OH well we all like something different I guess. But I am the one getting 50+ mpg not him in his Honda! The only way that car of his would get that mileage is if you dropped it down a mineshaft! LOL. See Ya! ES44AC
I am not sure how good it is but I always drive over 500 miles except the coldest months during the winter Dec. Jan Febr... Summer times close to 600 (made 600 club last July) so under 400 is nto that great .. but dont know the terrain
Good to hear you are ecstatic over your trip mpg! Just imagine how happy you will be in maxing out the capabilities of the Prius. Not sure of your driving habits, but that trip sounds like you got about 42mpg...sounds like hard driving maybe.... I just came away from a Memorial Day roadtrip from the DC area to Baltimore MD to Lebanon PA to Philadelphia PA (via Route 422 vs I76 and its tolls) and back to the DC area. I did not start the trip with a full tank - so the 430 mile trip was split with my local drives of two fill ups of 894 miles. My math tells me that the 430 mile trip ran me about $28 at $3.50 a gallon. Loving roadtrips again. Daytrips to the Delaware beaches are now more reasonable. Going out on a whim for lunch or dinner in the hill country out our way is a no brainer.