Hi All, Forgive me if there is another post about this issue but I didn't see one yet. I have a new Persona and I am having issues with the entertainment system. Everything was fine for the first 2 days but now the system keeps restarting itself and it's getting worse. This happens when I have the usb cord plugged into the phone, and also when it's just on bluetooth. 1) Phone calls. I'll be on the phone and all of a sudden the system restarts itself and it ends my handsfree option. Then once it reboots it connects again. This can happen several times during a 20 minute call. 2) ipod. I'll be listening to my iphone through the usb (also happens when I stream via Bluetooth) And the system restarts itself. Basically the screen goes black, then the toyota logo appears, then it works fine until it restarts itself again. Any ideas? Need any more info?
Same problem. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note II. The car head unit crashes at least once a day, either while on the phone, or streaming music. Crashed once while using Maps as well.
Just bought my 2013 Prius Persona about 4 days ago and I don't have this problem. If I were you I would talk it back to the dealership and get them to check it out.. Maybe a software update could fix it. My version is 2.2.0
We have a 13 level 3 and the bluetooth will only connect to the phone on rare occasions. It will lock the phone up so I can't make calls and I don't know when I have an incoming call. Now the radio is freezing up and the only way to make it work is to turn the car off and re-start it. Se my thread under technical and issues. Bill
I have had my 2013 for 3 full years & have the same issue. I've reported it to the dealership every few thousand miles at oil change time. They completed replaced the unit but it continues. Did anyone ever figure out what to do about this???