I already bought my next car...an all electric iMiev. I use it for all my 'round town short trips. It really helps my Prius mileage, and it is easy to park in tight spaces.
My next car will be a toy. I've built a few cars in my day and I think the next one will be a lotus 7 replica with a hayabusa drive train. If I had the dough I would get a H1 V8 but... HOME PAGE...
I've seen a few of them round here - they mostly belong to government departments because they're very expensive. What's it like to drive? It looks like the sort of thing in which I'd feel intimidated by aggressive drivers in big trucks, buses, SUVs, and ... well ... Smarts and bicycles. It looks very small, and possibly a bit slow, so I was thinking it might be quite a stressful drive. But I've never spoken to anyone who has one, so am I wrong in my assumptions?
IMiev's are awesome! We test drove one a while ago. It is less intimidating than driving in a Tesla Roadster. Anytime you are in a smaller vehicle it can be intimidating . In MN, and I assume elsewhere, you can currently get one for $12,500 after tax credits. I know a couple that picked one up recently.
Yea saw this when it came out. Goes to show there are stupid people every where. My father drove a RV & sometimes people would say something to him about driving a large vehicle. "If more people would live like I do everyone would be happy."