Assuming conditions (temperature and battery SOC) are adequate, how soon after pressing Start can you toggle into EV mode? It seems to me that you can usually flip into EV mode nearly the instant the car comes into Ready mode. (even thought at this point, not only has the head fully initialised, it hasn't even turned on the screen). I've seemed to have had problems getting into EV mode if I try after the NAV has initialized, just before the engine is about to warm up (but has not yet started). It's as if I've made it to a pre-warmup phase, that prevents EV mode. After the engine has warmed for 10s, and cycled back off, EV mode is easy to get in to. So - anyone have tips, tricks, or facts? What is better, hitting it sooner, later, as soon as possible... etc? Just curious as to what others have experienced. I can hit it 90%of the time, just wondering about those times I missed (and got no indication of error). -Ken
I like to hit the EV switch during the bootup screen, that way I can always get the confirmation beep after it is done booting. I don't know why but if you let it boot up most of the time you won't get the beep if you are on the default screen even if EV mode has been activated. My preferred EV startup method: 1. Hit the EV button during the startup screen 2. the car will "beep" after startup finishes letting you know EV mode is engaged The other method- 1. wait for the boot screen to clear 2. quickly switch to a different screen 3. hit the EV button for a confirmation "beep"
Why does it beep some times and not beep other times? It always beeps when I engage during startup but sometimes when I engage during normal driving there is no beep.
When you enter EV mode, the MFD is directed to switch to the "Energy" screen, if you're not currently on it. The "beep" is just a side-effect of that. If the Energy screen is already up, it doesn't beep. Presumably if screen beeps are disabled on a 2006 model, that beep wouldn't happen either. The intended indications of EV mode (on a car with it supplied as standard) are: 1) A green/blue dash indicator (a little car with EV written inside it, like the button); 2) A triple-beep and flash of the indicator when it turns off EV mode itself (due to low battery, hard acceleration etc); 3) A triple-beep and display of "EV mode is currently unavailable" on the MFD if you request EV mode during warm-up, or with low battery etc. If you're on the energy screen, then normally all that happens if you press the EV button is the dash indicator goes on and off, silently.
Damn you all with your EV indicator light! All I want is an indicator light. Oh and maybe the "EV mode is currently unavailable" on the MFD. As is, we poor U.S. drivers have neither; just the screen switching and if we're on the screen then the occasional beep. Thanks though, KMO for the response.
All I want is an indicator light. Oh and maybe the "EV mode is currently unavailable" on the MFD. As is, we poor U.S. drivers have neither Wait a sec - mine says that on the MFD. I don't remember the exact wording, but if I try to get into EV mode during warmup, or when driving too fast, I get three beeps, and a dropdown on the MFD telling me unable to enter EV mode at this time. Do others not get that? Edit: Exact Text - "Cannot change to EV mode now." But I don't get a single beep on success when it switches to the energy screen - perhaps my beeps are disabled - will have to look into that. Then again, I'm not sure I *want* a beep every time I change screens... -Ken
Gee, on my 2006 I -do- get the "EV mode is currently unavailable" on the MFD. The indicator light would be nice though. - Tom
34 is the MAXIMUM. The car will not always let you go into or stay in EV even if you are well below 34MPH if it thinks you shouldn't.
Is there any way for any of you with this EV indicator to please look into exactly how it's wired up? If it's really in the u.s. '06, anyone who's pulled down the '06 EWD from TIS should be able to see it in there. . Or do I have to fire up this windows shitbox again... . _H*
The EV Mode indicator as well as other lamps and gauges are integrated to a combination meter assembly, then I believe the wiring is done as printed circuit board. Ken@Japan