If the car didn't go when you pressed on the pedal... it's because you didn't actually floor it. Eco just remaps the pedal... flooring it is the same. Your previous car was less than .5 seconds faster to 60... so it was all psychological.
Unless the pedal can go through the floorboard, I am certain I floored it. It's not my first day driving... Maybe I'm just not used to the huge delay in a Prius' acceleration, since I haven't had my old Prius for about a month now. Regardless, I don't see myself driving in Eco Mode as much as I did in the liftback. Salesman says my car is coming in tomorrow btw . Told 'em not to drill holes for the plates, so I'll be doing a DIY tow hook mount. Only thing I'm not looking forward to are those monthly payments.
Lots of advantages, but disadvantage wise in regards to my C3: Rear headrests and visibility as mentioned - easily solved. Only one DC outlet. Just enough for me to get by since it has the built in nav, still can't charge my spotlight w/o unplugging the DVR, unless I buy a splitter. Limited closed storage area...no hidy holes. Basically the cargo capacity of the car is fine, but there is no room under the rear mat to store anything and the glovebox and center console are far too limited. It's short/low, takes a bit more effort to get in and out of than my Rogue. Stereo is mediocre...this one might not be fair to complain about, the Rogue came with an upgraded Bose system. Interior plastic trim, lots and lots of plastic and almost zero cloth aside from the seats and floors. Not easy to find a soft spot to rest your arm or knee. No factory back up camera option. I was actually looking for this, but it seems rear visibility is good enough it doesn't really need it, at least once you take those headrests out. You don't want to jump other cars with it. I was a boyscout so this disappointed me, but I still carry a set of cables for other people to borrow, they just won't be getting the actual jump from me. Drivers side outside touch sensor doesn't unlock all the doors. The passenger side does this, but I wish the drivers side could. My Rogue could do this even though its little rubber nub wasn't as advanced as the touch sensors on the Cs that have them. ...and probably lots more little things I'm not thinking of right now. I didn't go over the good parts, and with them thrown in I can't think of any other car that would have wanted to purchase over it.
1. Only one DC outlet. Buy a splitter. 2. Limited closed storage area... I'm hoping someone on here comes up with a way of replacing the Styrafoam with a tray. 3. Compared to my civic LX's radio the C3's is a BOSE. 4. I would not like to hit my head on the hard top edge of the dash. PTSD.
Regarding the DC outlet issue, is it possible to install an AC outlet anywhere in the car? I desperately want one, but the task at hand seems out of my reach Galaxy Nexus ? 2
That is awesome, I was wondering why there wasn't a way to change it. Went through a lot of the manual to familiarize myself with certain things, but I admit I didn't read cover to cover like I should have.
I wasn't thrilled with the OEM cargo net or cargo tray options so I bought a decent sized toolbox (23in?) that fits in the back and is short enough to fit under the cargo cover. Holds all my supplies that would normally have been tucked away. Put some rubber grip feet on it so it won't slide around, it can be securely locked for when I need to transport items that need locked up, and when I do need that cargo area it's just one item to remove. I'm used to it now, but when I first got the C the difference was grating. The Bose system let me destroy those punks blaring rap out of their car, on their terrible sound system, with some classic rock. Word to the wise, a terrible sound system + a giant subwoofer =/= a good sound system.
Yeah, there is a bit of a delay. It's better when the battery has more of a charge, worse when the battery is more drained.
Just finished the paper work for my C3 with sun roof in moonglow! It came out to be $21700 - $1500 in loyalty and grad rebates = $20200 pretax. I'm pretty satisfied and I'll be picking it up on Sunday hopefully Damn can't wait!!!!! Galaxy Nexus ? 2
At what average speed are you driving? And how are the grades? I travel 170 mile round trip, cruise control set on 65 with a few steep grades and I am averaging 46-48mpg. I also only have 1200miles on my little chili pepper
Its been derailed for so long... And now that I made my purchase, who cares?!?! Except the next potential buyer reading this Galaxy Nexus ? 2
The driver's seat isn't the most comfortable. If the steering wheel "points to the left", the tires weren't aligned.