I want to buy a jump starter with a good air compressor. Does anyone have any good recommendations? I dont know exactly how much amperage I should be looking at for my prius v, but I was thinking of going with this because of the good reviews and decent price... Amazon.com: Wagan 2544 500 Amp Battery Jumper with Air Compressor: Automotive
I bought one almost immediately after my Prius purchase at my local Costco. It's called a "Powerstation Psx2". I wouldn't feel comfortable buying the cheapest one possible, but on the other hand, this is a product that I don't feel is that complicated. You're basically buying a sealed portable battery. As long as the compressor and any other tools on it are of good enough quality, I think with any of them, you're good to go. I guess I can't give much of a review of the Powerstation, as I haven't had to use it yet. But I would say it has a low sitting profile---not too tall, nice sized dial for PSI, and a DC volt attachment and sturdy feeling handles, which is important because it IS relatively heavy. Also I like that it is designed that it can't be overcharged, in other words they recommend you leave it plugged in all the time. Which is nice because then if you need it...you know it's always ready and fully charged. Years ago I had a cheaper one, that wasn't designed to be left plugged in, and I'd end up loaning it to friends or using it myself but forgetting to charge it back up. Nothing more frustrating than needing it to jump start or wanting to inflate your tires and finding out that it's sat too long and isn't ready. That Wagan one looks nice, and I can't remember what I paid at Costco, but the price range was similar.
This is what I have and it works quite well. Make sure to know where to hook it up. I think the 12v in the back is easier but there is an odd option under the hood too. W
I don't like any of those battery charge ones. I have one with a cord that plugs into the wall, rolls around on wheels and can provide full cranking capabilities from an outlet without charging the battery. If you have to go, just get the extension cord roll it out to whatever vehicle connect, start, and go. I use it as a maintainer on some of the other vehicles when they aren't being driven often, like some that don't see winter which is 9 months of the year here...
I'd value portability quite a bit...especially with a jump starter. It's also nice to be able to offer a jump start to others when they get stranded, without having to put The Prius at risk. That makes the portability a real plus if you want to play good Samaritan.
Mine has jumped others much more often than I but I am not one to leave people stranded if I can help. W
If the goal is to help others without risking the Prius, then sure. If it is to jump start yourself, then I like the plugged in ones. For the same reason I like corded power tools and as mentioned above, it is always there when you need it. No battery to charge, no downtown in your dire situation. Nothing to maintain, and nothing to deteriorate over decades of use. On the highest 250A jumpstart setting which will turn over a diesel truck, it requires the full 30A however. So a good low gauge (thick) extension cord is good to have around too. Most 110vac outlets are only 15A, but on the 250A setting it is basically a "everything you've got" and it has never failed to turn over any completely dead car I've had with no precharging. When I help people in parking lots and so on, I use the Prius. 1000W 12v rail is better than almost any other vehicle. The Prius when hooked up properly will outshine any little jump starter. Of course the obvious risk is short circuit protection and reverse polarity protection for the Prius. The short circuit protection is somewhat OE with the 100A fusible link, but it is such a PITA to replace and not an off-the-shelf item, I would exclude it from being true protection. To that end, I have a set of "smart cables". They are basically cables with a tiny microcontroller inside that sense the polarity on each end of the connection. They also have short circuit protection built in using mast MOSFETs, but I would think they are really IGBTs for that kind of power. So you hook up the 2 wires on one end to either terminal and the other 2 wires to either terminal on the other end. After a good delay (1-2 seconds), the cables light up. No sparking, no arcing, no fuss, no worry about having live cables at any point until fully connected, nothing like that. The polarity is automatically detected and they connect. There is no danger to the Prius, they work as normal cables, and are self supplied so no batteries or otherwise. This allows me to jump anything I want with impunity to the Prius electrical system. I bought the cables for $17.99 when they were on sale a few years ago and they have more than paid for themselves. Great product, great price, you can't beat it. So obviously this won't jump you when you are by yourself in the middle of no where. That's what AAA or other friendly people with jumper cables are for. This will 100% work with helping others, and at home. And when at home I have the uber-starter that plugs into the wall. These silly cables for less than $20 are a lifesaver to someone to keep around and you don't have to worry about damaging the Prius in any of the conventional ways.
Whatever tool you want to use. -But since the OP seemed to be asking about the common portable jump start/compressors that's what I aimed my commentary towards. By my way of thinking when it comes to offering a jump start the absolute safest way to minimize any risk to my vehicle is to NOT have my vehicle involved in the jump start at all. Don't need "safe" cables with dummy lights telling me I'm hooked up okay...if I ain't got my car hooked up on one end. With all the computerized aspects of The Prius, I'm afraid if anyone asked for a jump start DIRECTLY from my Prius, my answer would be No, I'm not doing it.....BUT you can borrow my portable unit if you like. A portable air compressor/jump start unit is a multi-use tool as well. Most have a DC outlet and/or an emergency light, they're nice for short camping trips. I also like the idea that I can use it as a air compressor with the ease of taking the whole unit, with air pressure gauge from tire to tire....anywhere my vehicle happens to be parked. In years past I have given people jump starts in various situations....depending on where the persons car has died, sometimes just getting the cables from one vehicle to the other can be a PIA...a portable unit negates this hassle as well. No popping two hoods in the middle of the night or trying to maneuver your vehicle close enough to the stranded vehicle to run cables to and from. Feel free to use any tools you want, but especially for someone who may not have a garage, I think investment into a portable jump start/compressor unit is a good decision.
Well that's the same with my old one. I loaned it out for Co-Workers or friends to use a whole lot more than I ever had to use it. I wouldn't leave someone stranded either. But to be honest maybe I'm getting older, and grumpier, but I'm pretty much at the point where if someone else's battery has died? I can either offer them the jump from my portable unit, even if I have to go home to get it, OR they can call triple AAA or roadside assistance. BUT..I'm NOT putting my vehicle at risk. If that makes me an less than noble person? So be it. But I'm tired of the scenario where some co-worker or friend has a $1000 beater 1994 Corolla, that is held together with duct tape and paperclips, whose battery has been dying for months. Suddenly but not so suddenly when it totally dies they want me to hook up my brand new or very well taken care of newer vehicle in which I have 23,000+ invested? Sorry, really sorry but I don't trust their electrical system, and I'm not putting mine at risk to get their vehicle running again. "If" everything is done right, and assuming no hidden problems the risk may be minimal but if something does go wrong or south for whatever reason? I'd much rather say...."Man something went wrong with that jump start and it fried my $49.00 portable jump start unit" than have to say "Ever since I gave you a jump, My Prius has thrown codes and isn't working right".
You basically hit on every reason I want one of these things, once I receive it from amazon I will post my thoughts on this model if anyone is interested.
Woppa, if the cable clamps are plastic if isn't what you want. I had 2 from Sportsman's Guide years ago that had very thin clamps that snapped in two about a year into owning them. I could have sent them back but postage cost more than the replacement. The Costco units are solid. I would guess Sam's or BJ's would have a similar unit. The clamps are key especially if you have big temperature changes. W
I have a Jump-N-Carry JNC660, used it many times with various vehicles, for maybe 6 years now. It's flat enough to fit in the under hatch floor tray of a reg prius, though I normally wouldn't: it's around 20 lbs. Jump Starters - 1700 Peak Amp Volt JNC660 | Call us at 1-800-328-2921 |Clore Automotive Full range: Truck PAC Series Jump Starters | Call us at 1-800-328-2921 | Clore Automotive