Does anyone sell a REAR fog light kit for a US made C2 ?. Might have answered my own question--http://Toyota Aqua/Prius C - rear fog light
Coming from VWs it's been relatively easy to rig one up, completely OEM. I've had the car about a month now and just did my first mod. I added a "rear fog light." I put it in air quotes because it's not really but it works for me. After researching it a bit, I realized the 2825 bulb (parking light 5w) has the same base as the brighter 921 (reverse 18w) bulb. I was pleased to find that the opening in the assembly is large enough for the larger globe of the 921. I replaced the left-side running light bulb with a reverse light bulb. I can feel it gets warmer than the other side, but thus far I haven't melted the assembly (bulb has lots of clearance), nor blown the stock fuse. I won't put in a larger fuse so we'll see how long it will hold the higher load. Results: It's significantly brighter than the opposite side so as long as I have my parking/DRL or headlights on I have a rear fog (of sorts). It's not a focused beam like a true rear fog would be, nor is it 21w like it should be, but I'm pleased with the result. I figure for $3 and more light back there I'm good to go.
None yet. I can feel the warmth, but it's definitely not hot. I didn't put it in my post, but there's a 922 bulb that has the same base. It's 13 watts. So there is another step between the stock and what I did if you're toying with trying it...
Gladly, nothing to report. No blown fuses, no melted anything. I'm thinking that with Fall coming and less daylight time I'll be using the lights more so we'll see. But it truly is just warm(er) and definitely not hot so I'm not expecting any issues at this point.